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Letter of Recommendation

David LiuAbout 4 min

Letter of Recommendation

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (Buckley Amendment)


“in what capacity“ 是指推荐人熟悉你的程度和时间,如very familiar,three years。

在推荐表的 "in what capacity" 一栏中,您应该填写您与推荐人的关系或者您在与推荐人互动时所处的职位或角色。这一栏的目的是让读者了解您是以什么身份认识并评估被推荐人的。



He was a student when I taught ...;

He did a project with me last year...

He did a final thesis under my supervision...

只要不写he is my son, nephew, brother, etc...就可以。


  1. too focused
  2. lack knowledge of marketing, finance, etc.


  • 课程推
  • 科研推
  • 项目推
  • 比赛推
  • 实习推

Recommendation Rankings

Overall Recommendation


Reference 原文open in new window

  1. 被推荐人的全名。

  2. 推荐人和被推荐人的关系

i.e., 推荐人是如何认识被推荐人的,认识了多久,有多了解。

比如大一的时候此人就上过我的课,之后又跟我做过project;此人上我课的时候每周都会在office hour和我交流,还做过我的grader assistant;此人在我手下实习了三个月,表现不错。

  1. 推荐人认为被推荐人具有的优点,并且有details支持。

例如此人很勤奋,在跟我做的一个 project 上花了很多时间,我前一天布置的xyz任务他通宵了一晚上以后第二天就交给我了,而类似的任务给其他人可能要一个星期以后才能给我。此人很有创造力,在某个project中提出了一个feasible的想法,大大加快了project的进度。

需要特别提到的是,推荐信是为申请服务的,而 gradute program 还是比较看重的在技术方面的能力(研究能力)的,因此即使是来自 industry 的推荐信,也尽量体现出你的这方面能力和潜力。


支持 Interfolio,但提醒说 Interfolio 不会填写 Evaluation form。

  • Yale
  • Cornell tech cm

避坑interfolio的原因open in new window

上传失败。登录网申系统,发现我的推荐人那里,显示了in process,于是,推荐人邮箱不能改了!!!!我现在还在跟这个学校和interfolio协商这个问题,等有结果了会回来更新的


Upenn,NYU,Stanford,University of Washington,UIUC,Gatech,UCD,USC,Cornell,Columbia

  • 比赛推 NEU Associate Professor
  • 课程推 IBM Senior Scientist
  • 实习推 JD SDE

The graduate programs in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon admit a small number of outstanding students each year. The Admissions Committee would appreciate your evaluation of the applicant(s) named below. Please comment on the applicant's intellectual ability, particular strengths and weaknesses, and any special talents or work experience. Note how long you have known the applicant and in what capacity, and make a comparison to other students you have recommended.

Your letter of recommendation is due by December 13, 2023 and must be submitted preferably on letterhead in PDF or MS Word. Any other format is not acceptable. The maximum file size is 3 MB. Once you upload a recommendation, you are also verifying that the information is accurate, authentic, and completed to the best of your ability. If you have any further questions, please contact

Thank you for taking the time to respond. The letters of recommendation are among the most valuable data in the selection process. We sincerely appreciate your help.

Please send the email requests to your recommenders as early as possible and well before the application deadline.

Three letters of recommendation are required. At least two should be from faculty or recent employers. Recommenders should know you relatively well and be able to evaluate the quality of your academic and professional abilities.

All letters of recommendation must be submitted electronically. Select your recommenders carefully and type their email addresses correctly.

It is your responsibility to request that your recommenders submit their letters of recommendation by December 13, 2023. If you submit your application by the early deadline, your recommenders still have until December 13, 2023 to submit their recommendations.

*Note*: If your recommender agrees, then their Letter of Recommendation can be attached to multiple SCS applications within this system. After they submit the letter, you can pull up your second application and find a drop-down list called "Import Previous Recommendation." This will allow you to attach that one letter to multiple

Please provide a brief description of your affiliation as well as your interaction with the applicant. (3-5 sentences)

How does the applicant's performance, potential, background, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified peers? Please provide specific examples that include the applicant's strengths. (3-5 sentences)

(Optional) Is there anything else we should know about the applicant?

Below are instructions for writing your letter of recommendation:

Core Competency Rating:

Please provide a letter of recommendation for the applicant. Ideal letters are no more than 700 words, and should address the following list of attributes based on your experience with the applicant.

Appraisal of academic and interpersonal abilities
Examples: Quantitative aptitude, teamwork, dependability, leadership, motivation

Technical aptitude and/or professional experiences in tech
Examples: Specific programming and data structure platforms, entrepreneurship, innovation

Project and Team-based activities
Examples: Leadership, time management, communication, conflict resolution, technical documentation and research

Areas of improvement
Provide an example of when you provided the applicant feedback and describe that interaction?

If you have issues submitting your letter, have your recommender email the letter to