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Personal Statement

David LiuAbout 11 min

Personal Statement

  • Describe how your background has prepared you to pursue an advanced degree in the field of engineering or applied science at Columbia University.

  • Describe the reasons you are interested in this program and discuss any relevant past experience.

    Why program, 经历

  • If you have relevant work or research experience, please indicate how it helped you decide on your career path.


  • What are your post-graduation plans or career goals?

    career goal/path

  • What do you hope to gain from this program?

    Why program

  • What about this program excites you?

  • If there are any special circumstances that need to be brought to the attention of the Admission Committee, please include that information.

  • Why are you interested in this program?

    why program

  • What have you done that makes you a great candidate?


  • How will you benefit from the program?

    why program

  • How do you plan to contribute to the student community in Penn Engineering while you’re here?

    why you

  • Why will you succeed in the program?


  • What will you do/accomplish once you have completed the program?

    career goal/path







  1. PS算是半个陶瓷,是体现你能力的重要文件,CV只能简写,你在PS里面怎么能不突出项目经验呢?
  2. CS的学生,没有任何项目经验就对CS产生了浓厚的感兴趣了,说出去谁信啊?美国人的思维是:我对xx感兴趣是因为我作了xx。他们相信事实的支撑而不是优雅的文笔。


通常看了开头,委员会就能很快找到适合看你PS的教授了。兴趣方向可以根据你申请的学校略作修改,因为不同学校,专业方向的名称略有不同。比如有学校多机器人方向可能叫multi-agent system,有的会叫multi-robot system.


  1. 你的研究兴趣是什么
  2. 你是如何产生兴趣的,并且为这个兴趣付出了什么
  3. 你在你的兴趣方向取得了什么样成绩
  4. 为什么要继续你的研究,什么事情触发了你的念头
  5. 为什么选择某某university
  6. 因为你有什么特别之处,某某大学因此要录取你


  1. 废话
  2. 你的主线但是你表达不清楚;
  3. 你的支线经历。









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If possible, the following format is preferred:

  • All margins should be at least one inch, and the left and right margins should be equal.
  • Text should be double-spaced.
  • The preferred fonts are 10-point Arial or 12-point Times New Roman; however, any legible serif or sans-serif standard font may be used. Do not use script or ornamental fonts.
  • Your name should appear in the Header or Footer of every page.


In two pages or less, write an essay that answers the questions below. (But if you’re applying to the Integrated Product Design program, see the IPD-specific questions hereopen in new window.) Use specific examples where possible.

  • Why are you interested in this program?
  • What have you done that makes you a great candidate?
  • How will you benefit from the program?
  • How do you plan to contribute to the student community in Penn Engineering while you’re here?
  • Why will you succeed in the program?
  • What will you do/accomplish once you have completed the program?

Cornell Tech CS Meng

Choose one of the prompts: (1100 words or less)

Option 1:

Cornell Tech fosters an innovative environment of creativity, technical depth, and leadership. Please highlight your personal and professional attributes and how they will contribute to Cornell Tech’s [mission]( in new window Mission,master's%2C doctoral and postdoctoral levels.) and valuesopen in new window, your specific master’s program, and the tech ecosystem in New York City. Include any personal experiences that demonstrate your creativity, leadership, and technical abilities. Elaborate on the creative and technical aspects of any projects you have completed, your entrepreneurial or leadership skills, and your experience working on team projects.

Option 2:

Cornell Tech’s programs provide students the opportunity to build something meaningful and innovative with a cross-disciplinary team and test it with real users and industry experts. Many of our students have prior software development experience. Have you ever developed a complete software application (i.e., an end-to-end user interface application, one or more web services, a database, etc.)? If so, describe that application and your experience developing it.

Columbia MSCS

The purpose of the Personal Statement is for you to share more about your past experiences and to discuss how these experiences have contributed to your personal and professional growth. It allows the applicant the opportunity to explain to the admission committee the distinct qualities and commitment they can bring to their department and to the overall Columbia Engineering community.

We recommend that your Personal Statement be between 250 and 1,000 words. Your application will not be negatively impacted should exceed this recommendation. Please do not email us to request permission to exceed this recommendation, no permission is necessary.

If possible, the following format is preferred:

  • All margins should be at least one inch, and the left and right margins should be equal.
  • Text should be double spaced.
  • The preferred fonts are 10-point Arial or 12-point Times New Roman; however, any legible serif or sans-serif standard font may be used. Do not use script or ornamental fonts.
  • Your name should appear in the Header or Footer of every page.

It is integral to the admissions process that you write and submit this Personal Statement on your own. Any evidence of plagiarized materials may result in denial or revocation of admission.

A few topics that you may want to address in your Personal Statement include:

  • Describe how your background has prepared you to pursue an advanced degree in the field of engineering or applied science at Columbia University.
  • Describe the reasons you are interested in this program and discuss any relevant past experience.
  • If you have relevant work or research experience, please indicate how it helped you decide on your career path.
  • What are your post-graduation plans or career goals?
  • What do you hope to gain from this program?
  • What about this program excites you?
  • If there are any special circumstances that need to be brought to the attention of the Admission Committee, please include that information.


Please upload a copy of your personal statement. Please give your reasons for deciding to do graduate work in the field you have chosen.Include a statement concerning your past work(study and research)in your chosen field,your plans for study at Brown,including issues and problems you want to address,and your professional goals.Please submit a document between 1000-1500 words.


The following questions will give you an opportunity to tell us about your interests, preparation for graduate study, and other relevant background. There is also a question where you can explain any special circumstances that may have had an impact on your undergraduate education or employment history. Please address questions 1, 3, and 6. All other questions may be answered if applicable. Answers should be short essays with 200-750 words responding specifically to the question.

Academic Experience 学术经历/课程经历

Question 1 - The Brown CS master's degree program is organized around a set of "Pathways" that cover the wide range of topics offered for study. Upon entering the program, you will choose a Pathway to guide your course selections leading to graduation. The courses you take will be drawn from those listed for your chosen Pathway and other areas of study. For this question, please read the Pathway descriptions found here. Then make a preliminary selection of a Pathway (you do not need to choose individual courses at this time) and indicate your choice in the list below. The Pathway you choose now does not commit you to follow it should you join the Brown program.*

In the box below explain how your undergraduate study has prepared you to do the coursework for your chosen Pathway. You may describe the courses you have taken as an undergraduate and how you believe they will support your studies at Brown. A later question will ask about any research experience you have had, so don't include that in your answer here.*

Question 2 - If your undergraduate major was not computer science, please describe the ways in which you have prepared for graduate study in computer science at the master’s level.

Question 3 - If your transcript does not show the courses you are taking in your final academic year as an undergraduate, please list those courses below with course number and title. If your transcript shows these courses, please indicate "N/A".

Question 4 - Undergraduate programs may offer students a chance to engage in research alongside a faculty member during their study. Opportunities to have one or more professional internships are ways to gain exposure to work in industry as an undergraduate. If you participated in a research project or had an internship, please briefly describe your experience and how it has prepared you for further study.

Question 5 - Please describe any professional employment following your completion of your undergraduate program that relates to your interests in computer science.

Question 6 - Please describe your longer-term professional and/or academic goals and why you believe the Brown CS master’s program is a good choice for you.*****

Question 7 - If there were any special circumstances, in particular health or family issues, that had a negative impact on your undergraduate education or employment history, you may describe them below.

Question 8 - We will be awarding a small number of full-tuition scholarships to applicants who come from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, but who have accomplishments showing that they can overcome the negative effects of their backgrounds. If you are interested in such a scholarship, please briefly explain the nature of your socioeconomic disadvantages and the accomplishments you've achieved in spite of them. Scholarships are awarded regardless of an applicant's race, color, national origin, or gender.


Please respond, in your own words, to the following essay prompts. This allows us to better understand an applicant’s context, unique talents and interests, as well as special considerations you would like to bring to our attention.

Why do you consider yourself to be a strong candidate? What sets you apart from other applicants? For example, have you placed well in CTFs, programming competitions, or hackathons? Have you published peer-reviewed research? Have you won any significant awards? Have you done significant community service? Have you participated in sports or joined a performance group?


Please respond, in your own words, to the following essay prompts. This allows us to better understand an applicant’s context, unique talents and interests, as well as special considerations you would like to bring to our attention.

  1. Why do you consider yourself to be a strong candidate? What sets you apart from other applicants? For example, have you placed well in CTFs, programming competitions, or hackathons? Have you published peer-reviewed research? Have you won any significant awards? Have you done significant community service? Have you participated in sports or joined a performance group?
  2. Describe how your work, research, educational and other professional experiences have prepared you for graduate studies at the INI and how you stand out among your peers?
  3. From your experience as a student/employee working on a team, describe a time when you struggled. How did you resolve the challenges and contribute to the team? Be specific drawing from your experience as a student or as an employee. If you are using a student example, please use a course or project from your transcript. If you are using an employee example, please use a job or project on your resume.
  4. The College of Engineering at CMU values excellence, innovation, being genuine, diversity, respect for others, integrity, trusting, and being trustworthy. Within the context of your experiences, how would you contribute to these values within our community?
