Engineering Entrepreneurship I
Engineering Entrepreneurship I
TR 10:15am-11:44am in TOWN 327 (1/15 to 4/30)
EENT(Engineering ENTrepreneurship)
Engineers and scientists create and lead great companies, hiring managers when and where needed to help execute their vision. Designed expressly for students having a keen interest in technological innovation, this course investigates the roles of inventors and founders in successful technology ventures. Through case studies and guest speakers, we introduce the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and seize a high-tech entrepreneurial opportunity - be it a product or service - and then successfully launch a startup or spin-off company. The course studies key areas of intellectual property, its protection and strategic value; opportunity analysis and concept testing; shaping technology driven inventions into customer-driven products; constructing defensible competitive strategies; acquiring resources in the form of capital, people and strategic partners; and the founder's leadership role in an emerging high-tech company. Throughout the course emphasis is placed on decisions faced by founders, and on the sequential risks and determinants of success in the early growth phase of a technology venture. The course is designed for, but not restricted to, students of engineering and applied science and assumes no prior business education. Prerequisite: Third or Fourth year or Graduate standing
reading, writing
question for final exam
stricter than TA
Why Eng Ent
- Eng +-create great companies
- High-Tech
- Globalization 4.0
- start up fail
Stevenson Entrepreneurial framework
- Vision(Product/strategy)
- Team
- Cash
- Readings (a lot)
- Case Studies and Discussion
- Breakout groups, 9 groups
- Mini-lecture
- Thursday in class quizzes, Essay (Tuesday), VC problem set
- Final Exam
Grade pretty high
- Respondus
- slack
- Attendance 30%, show up every class get full, late, miss 扣分
- Essays, quizzes & problem set: 45%
- Final exam: 25%
use AI for editing, not generating (long)
in class quiz
given a reading that do not give you previously