Computer Animation
Computer Animation
Levine 154
50 作业
No late submissions or extensions for homework.
- CQ, participation-based
- HW
- HW1 Coor Transformation
- HW3 Kinematics
- HW2 Curve Editor
- HW5 Skinning
- HW7 Particle System
- HW8 Feedback Control
- HW6 Motion Capture
- HW8 Feedback Control part 3
20 期中 Oct 23, 90min
review session Oct 22, Monday 4:00 PM, online zoom
25 期末 Dec 13
review session Dec 11
Final Exam Date/Time: Friday, Dec. 13th from 3:00 - 5:00pm
Room: MEYH B3 (Meyerson Hall - 210 South 34th Street)
开卷考试,可以电子设备,但是不能搜索,不会有太多计算,tablet,turn off wifi/internet
Similar style like mid term
apply knowledge to real world problem
not just copying notes
if you understand basic concepts, you should be able to apply them
don't blank, do not long describe
05 出勤,7次随堂 quiz
15min quiz, close book test
drop 2 lowest grade
09.12 transformation, 7/10
basic concept
Exam: Given F1, F2, what H12
09.26 splines 9/10, 30min
10.15 8/10
last 20 min, easy, kinematics
11.07 Thurs 8/10
body animation: keyframe, walk cycle, cross dissolve
11.19 Tues 10/10
Body Dynamics
12.05 Friday, Feedback Control design, 20min
You should be familar with how you would compute the gains of a PD feedback controller given the desired system response.
text books
- Math for 3D game programming and cg 3rd Edition
- Foundation of physically based modeling and animation
- CA - Algo & Tech 3rd
- Game Engine Architecture 2nd
- AI for games
MS VS 2022 (C++)
mac VS 不能run c++,换个软件(clion)
motion capture
particle system
Unity3D (version 2022.3.x)
Real-time screen capture software
Character animation vs robotics
motion shape
- puppetry
- Keyframing
- Motion Capture
- Procedural
Physical, sensor from environment
- Embodied
- Physical-based machines (industrial and mobile robots, UAVs)
- Computer game characters
Course Topics
Coordinate systems
- Vector - Matrux Representations
- Coordinate Transformations
- Euler Angles
- Quaternions
- Curve ✅
- Linear ✅
- Bezier ✅
- B-Splines ✅
- Hermite Splines
- 2D Interpolation
- Spherical Interpolation (Quaternion) (Slerp)
Body Kinematics
- Joint Hierarchies Representation
- Transformation Matrices
- Forward Kinematics
- Jacobian matrices
- Kinematic chains
- Inverse Kinematics
Body Animation
- Animation Tech
- Keyframe
- Motion Editing
- Sequencing and Blending
- Arc Length Parameterization
- Locomotion. Gait. Walk and run cycles.
- Animation tool demonstrations (MotionBuilder).
- Motion Capture
- Skinning and Mesh Deformation
Body Dynamics
Equation of motions (F=ma)
State space representation.
Rotational vs. translational dynamics
Second order (mass-spring-damper) dynamical systems
Particle Systems
Animation and Simulation Tool - Houdini
Physical Simulation (Dynamic System Simulation)
- Numerical integration methods.
- Sense, Control, Act processing loop.
- Dead reckoning models.
- Virtual reality and distributed interactive simulation.
Feedback Controller
- Openloop vs. closed loop control.
- Feedback types (Proportional, Derivative and PD controllers).
- Design requirements.
- Feedback control law design.
- Trajectory tracking.
- Computed velocity and computed torque methods.
Behavioral Animation
- individual & group
- Layering and blending behaviors.
- Arbitration and coordination schemes.
- Collision avoidance, hierarchical behaviors and formations.
Path finding
- Navigation Meshes
- Search Methods
- Depth First
- Breadth First
- A*
Optimization-Based Animation
- Least Squares optimization.
- Gradient descent.
- Lagrange multipliers.
- Optimization subject to dynamic constraints.
- Space time constraint solution methods.
- Covariance Matrix Adaptation.
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
- Eigenfaces,
- face recognition
Facial Animation
- Linear Blend shapes
- parameterized models
- Muscle-based approaches
- Elgen faces(Principal Components Analysis)
- Facial Action Coding, phonemes, visemes
- Lipynching
Photorealistic rendering of Objects and Character
Physically- based ca
Character and Object Animation
- Key Framing
- Creative drives production
- Frozen
- Creative drives production
Uncanny Valley
Character and Object Animation
- Demos
Deep fake