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David LiuAbout 8 min


You will receive an email from CollegeNET containing the link to the interview session within 10 minutes after you submit the application. The video interview questions are not technical questions. They are a series of random questions that will give the admission committee more insight of your preparedness, knowledge, and what you hope to gain from obtaining an MPS degree from Information Science at Cornell.

In the interview, you will receive 3 questions and have 1 minute to respond to each one immediately. Your responses to the interview questions should complement rather than duplicate the content of your Statement of Purpose. Successful interviews are conversational rather than scripted or memorized. Before beginning the video interview, be sure you are in a private place where you will be undisturbed for 20-30 minutes. You will be given the opportunity to test your video and audio connection prior to starting the video interview. If you experience any difficulty with the interview, please email Barbara Woske at

The video interview must be received by January 5 for Fall applicants or October 11 for Spring applicants. Incomplete applications will not be considered.



  1. current trend in information science
  2. What sets you apart from other candidates
  3. Something about you not mentioned in written application materials

刚面完,题目都是之前看到的23fall面经里的题哈哈哈哈。每个问题回答时间一分钟,点了play video之后才会开始播题目+播完自动录像,所以做完一道题后想休息的话可以随意休息。而且video预览页虽然是模糊的但能直接辨识出字幕,不点video也能提前开始准备了

  1. What is your professional goal, and how will MPS help you achieve it?
  2. Academic strength
  3. MPS的项目里有什么对于你来说比较难?你会怎么解决它?


  1. What excites you about this program and why you choose this program?
  2. Where you want to find your first jod after complete this program?
  3. Tell me about one relevant current event topic that is shaping your applying industry.
  4. What advice would you give to yourself at age sixteen?
  5. If you have more free time what would you do
    how do you like you to “waste ”your time?


  1. 首先登录后可以测试摄像头和麦克风,没有问题了就proceed
  2. 如图2️⃣可以根据模糊的视频推测题目,只要不点play question就可以一直准备!录完以后按proceed进入下一题(这点还是很nice的)


  1. 首先会有一个10s的预录制,检查一下视频状况啥的,然后点了ready就直接进入900s准备环节了,在这里才会看到题目(我用的chrome感觉问题界面很小,看着有点费劲)

  2. 准备好之后点start recording就直接倒计时300s了,三个问题的回答之间是没有间隔的,要在一起回答,所以准备的时候可以提前想一想串词

  3. 我每道题大概写了160+的稿子,最后说完用了四分二十秒(不过我一紧张语速会比较快),uu们可以参考一下

Question 1: Please list one example for each:What is something unique about Cornell Tech and your specific program that you will not be able to get at another school to which you're applying?

Question 2: Thinking about the last time you had to work on a team,what did you find enjoyable?Also,can you tell us about a challenge your team faced while working together and the outcome?

Question 3: What are your professional plans upon completing your Cornell Tech degree?(please be as specific as possible-e.g.,if you're planning on starting a company or joining an existing one,please describe your aspirations.Inopen in new window addition,can you describe how your goals align with Cornell Tech's mission and values?

Question 4: What experiences have led to your interest in the master's program at Cornell Tech?

Question 5: Describe an experiencein which someone from a different fieldtaught you something new aboutyourself and your work?

Question 6: Can you give anexample of a time when you flat outfailed at something (not a story of "the going got tough, but I eventually triumphed")?

  1. Cornell Tech's unique aspect lies in its immersive, fast-paced learning environment that's deeply integrated with the tech industry. Particularly in the Connective Media program, the combination of a strong tech focus with media studies is unparalleled. Unlike other schools, Cornell Tech offers a hands-on, real-world approach, bridging academia and industry. This integration is vital for me as it aligns perfectly with my goal to blend AI with media technologies.
  2. Working in a team is always enlightening. Recently, I enjoyed the diversity of ideas and perspectives in a project team. The challenge we faced was coordinating our different approaches and skills. We had a tight deadline for a complex task, but through open communication and leveraging each member's strengths, we successfully completed the project on time. This experience reinforced the value of teamwork and diverse skill sets in achieving goals.
  3. Post-Cornell Tech, I plan to join a leading tech company, ideally in AI product development. My aspiration is to be involved in innovative projects, applying what I've learned to real-world applications. Eventually, I aim to leverage this experience to start my own AI-focused venture. This aligns with Cornell Tech's mission of fostering technology leaders and entrepreneurs. The program's blend of technical depth and entrepreneurial spirit is precisely the foundation I need for my career goals.
  4. My interest in Cornell Tech's master's program was sparked by its unique approach to integrating technology with practical application. My experiences in AI development and leading innovative tech projects have prepared me for this. The opportunity to work in an environment that's at the forefront of technological innovation and closely connected with the industry is what draws me to this program.
  5. In a multidisciplinary project, a colleague from a non-technical background brought a fresh perspective that challenged my approach. They emphasized the user experience, leading me to realize the importance of balancing technical prowess with user-centric design. This experience taught me to consider broader aspects beyond just the technicalities in my work.
  6. Once, I initiated a tech project that ultimately failed due to underestimating the resources required. Despite the initial enthusiasm, we couldn't sustain the project. This was a hard lesson in planning and resource management. I learned the importance of realistic goal-setting and thorough preparation, insights that have been invaluable in my subsequent endeavors.

Professional Plans Post-Degree: My goal after completing my degree at Cornell Tech is to join an innovative tech company where I can apply my skills in AI and connective media. I am particularly interested in roles that involve product development and project management. The entrepreneurial and collaborative spirit of Cornell Tech is a perfect match for my career aspirations, as it fosters the kind of innovative thinking and problem-solving skills that are highly valued in the tech industry.

Cornell Tech's location in New York City offers distinct advantages over Carnegie Mellon. The vibrant urban setting provides easy access to public transportation and a wealth of public infrastructure. The proximity to major tech companies in New York enriches the opportunities for internships and networking. Additionally, Cornell Tech's strong connections with the industry and its robust alumni network are invaluable resources. The unique studio course at Cornell Tech, which involves collaborative, challenge-driven projects with businesses, sets it apart from other programs.

Cornell Tech vs. Carnegie Mellon:

Cor'nell Tech, situated in the heart of New York City, offers unique advantages compared to Carnegie Mellon University.

The urban setting provides unparalleled access to a wealth of public facilities, like metro and parks. It will significantly enhancing daily life and study experiences. New York's status as a tech center brings numerous internship opportunities with leading tech firms, offering practical, hands-on experiences, which is crucial for my career growth.

Cornell Tech's extensive connections with these companies, supported by a strong a'lum'ni network, are invaluable for students seeking industry insights and career opportunities.

The distinct Studio curriculum at Cornell Tech is a standout feature. It emphasizes team collaboration on challenging enterprise projects. This practical approach to learning, combined with the city's vibrant tech ecosystem, equips students with real-world skills and experiences unmatched by Carnegie Mellon University.

Teamwork Experience at JD.comopen in new window:

My internship at JD.comopen in new window was marked by a collaborative and supportive team environment. The open culture allowed for free-flowing idea exchanges during brainstorming sessions. And my suggestions were valued and implemented.

A notable challenge we encountered was incorporating lighting effects into AI-generated image for the AIGC service. Our development team initially lacked in-depth knowledge of lighting classifications and their impact on images.

To bridge this gap, colleagues from the design team conducted art-focused educational sessions, to broaden our understanding in the art field. This cross-disci‘plinary approach led to the development of our effective solutions. We firstly defined the domain knowledge of all kinds of light effects with domain-specific language in the backend. And then used the control-net to control the light effects in the diffussion model. This experience illustrates the power of collaborative problem-solving across different expertise areas.

Professional Plans Post-Cornell Tech:

My career aspirations upon completing my Cornell Tech degree are to immerse myself in the development of AI-driven products at industry leaders like Google or Meta.

This experience will be instrumental in understanding the complete lifecycle of AI products and acquiring key industry insights. I am excited to work with talented people who works on the powerful AI tools, and want to learn from them.

My long-term vision is to establish an AI-focused startup, channeling my passion for technology to revolutionize daily workflows and enhance life quality through innovative AI applications.

Cornell Tech's mission of fostering technology leaders resonates deeply with my goals.

The program's blend of technical depth, entrepreneurial focus, and its alignment with real-world industry demands provides the perfect foundation to achieve these aspirations.

I am confident that this program will play a pivotal role in helping me achieve my aspiration of making a meaningful impact through AI applications.

setting me on a trajectory to become a significant contributor in the tech industry.

  • To begin the recording process, click "Ready".
  • The question or prompt will then appear, and you will have 10 seconds to prepare a response before recording automatically begins. To begin recording earlier, click the "Start Recording".
  • Once recording has begun, you will have 10 seconds before the recording automatically stops. You may choose to stop the recording early (by clicking the "Stop Recording" button), or you may allow it to stop automatically at the end of the allotted time.
  • Since this is a test recording, you will have only 10 seconds to prepare and 10 seconds to complete the test recording.
  • If you are not ready to begin testing, you can return to the applicationopen in new window.

To begin the recording process, click "Ready".

The question or prompt will then appear, and you will have 900 seconds to prepare a response before recording automatically begins. To begin recording earlier, click the "Start Recording".

Once recording has begun, you will have 300 seconds before the recording automatically stops. You may choose to stop the recording early (by clicking the "Stop Recording" button), or you may allow it to stop automatically at the end of the allotted time.

  • Question 1: Please list one example for each: What is something unique about Cornell Tech and your specific program that you will not be able to get at another school to which you’re applying?
  • Question 2: Thinking about the last time you had to work on a team, what did you find enjoyable? Also, can you tell us about a challenge your team faced while working together and the outcome?
  • Question 3: What are your professional plans upon completing your Cornell Tech degree? (please be as specific as possible - e.g., if you're planning on starting a company or joining an existing one, please describe your aspirations. In addition, can you describe how your goals align with Cornell Tech’s mission and values?