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Ling Zong

David LiuAbout 19 min

Ling Zong

Dear Admission Committee,

I am glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Dawei Liu who is applying for your Master's programme. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology", I have seen Dawei's impressive academic performance and technical expertise.

In the final project, he led the development of an intelligent blog website. This system was equipped with a novel recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilized users' social connections to improve recommendations. He developed five microservices with Java and Spring Cloud and deployed them on the Kubernetes cluster. Dawei's role in system design and implementation shows his deep understanding of big data technology and ability to convert theoretical concepts into practical solutions.

Dawei's leadership was equally important to the success of the project. He successfully completed the project within two weeks by implementing the Scrum methodology, organising daily stand-up meetings and using Trello for efficient project management. He helped team members solve problems they encountered during the coding process. He can effectively facilitate consensus in group discussions and ensure that each team member can contribute optimally, which has been essential to his teamwork.

It is worth noting that Dawei's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His success in software competitions demonstrates his skills in competitive real-world scenarios. For example, he applied what he learned from the course to develop a knowledge-sharing platform with the Trust SVD recommendation system, and won the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp.

Dawei is an outstanding young man. He is precisely the kind of candidate who could benefit from, and significantly enhance, the vibrancy of an advanced academic programme. I am confident that his enrolment in your Master's programme will be mutually advantageous, and he will emerge as an influential figure in the field of computer science.

In short, I give Dawei my highest recommendation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Dear Admission Committee,

It gives me immense pleasure to write this recommendation in support of Mr. Dawei Liu's application for admission to your esteemed graduate program. I have known Mr. Liu for over a year, during my Big Data Technology course in the fall semester of 2022.

Mr. Liu has proven herself to be dedicated student when he attend my course Big Data Technology. In the course "Big Data Technology," which covers a wide range of topics, including data storage and management, data processing and analysis, data mining, and machine learning, Mr. Liu consistently excelled. He exhibited a strong passion for the subject and demonstrated exceptional technical aptitude in the field of big data technology.

More significantly, Mr. Liu's ability to grasp complex concepts and apply them practically was particularly impressive. He exhibited outstanding proficiency in utilizing large-scale data storage systems such as Hadoop HDFS and Apache Cassandra, data processing frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Flink, and machine learning libraries like Mahout. His assignments and projects consistently received top scores, reflecting his skill in addressing real-world data analysis challenges.

In addition, Mr. Liu actively contributed to classroom discussions, enriching the learning environment for his peers. His willingness to share insights, pose thought-provoking questions, and collaborate on team projects highlighted his exceptional teamwork and communication skills, enhancing the overall classroom experience.

Mr. Liu is one of the brightest students I have supervised. With his diligence and determination to excel in every task, he will undoubtedly be a valuable addition to your program. I am confident that he will be an asset to the student organizations at your university just like he was to ours. The graduate program will be an ideal first step toward achieving his dreams, and I am confident that he will excel in it. Hence, I provide my highest recommendations for him as a candidate for your graduate program.

Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Institution or Company]
[Your Contact Information]

Admissions Committee
[Name of the University/Institution]
[Address of the University/Institution]

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend David Liu for admission to your Master's program in Computer Science. As a Senior Scientist at IBM and a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology," I have had the privilege of observing David's exceptional talents and growth firsthand. Among a class of over 100 students, David distinguished himself not only with a stellar score of 97 but also through his active engagement in class discussions and flawless performance in quizzes.

David's remarkable technical acumen was prominently displayed in his final project, where he led the design and development of a sophisticated full-stack blog website. This website, notable for its innovative use of a recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, showcased David's ability to handle complex data and develop efficient solutions. His implementation of an enhanced version of the Trust SVD algorithm in Java, integrated with a database, is a testament to his advanced programming skills and understanding of big data technologies.

The technical stack of the project, encompassing Vue, Typescript, Arco-Design for the front-end, and a robust back-end system using Java, Spring Cloud, and Kubernetes, further highlights David's proficiency in modern software development. His effective management of a micro-service system with five separate services deployed in a Kubernetes cluster demonstrates an impressive breadth of technical knowledge and practical application.

Beyond his technical expertise, David's leadership and teamwork skills were crucial in navigating the intensive two-week timeframe for the project. His adoption of the Scrum methodology, daily stand-up meetings, and effective use of tools like Trello and Git for task tracking and collaborative coding underscore his ability to lead and work within a team effectively.

David's personal qualities, including his hard work, innovation, excellent communication skills, and leadership, have consistently impressed me. His proactive approach to learning, as evidenced by his frequent engagement during office hours, ensures a deep and thorough understanding of complex topics.

Additionally, David's achievements extend beyond the classroom. His success in software contests, such as securing the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp and being a finalist in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his AR social app "Trace Note," showcase his ability to apply his skills in diverse and competitive environments.

In conclusion, David Liu's blend of technical prowess, innovative thinking, leadership, and academic excellence make him an ideal candidate for your Master's program. I am confident that he will not only benefit greatly from this opportunity but also contribute significantly to your academic community.

Please feel free to contact me if you require further information or insights into David's abilities and accomplishments.


[Your Signature]
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am writing to you with great enthusiasm to recommend David Liu for admission to your esteemed Master's program in Computer Science. As a Senior Scientist at IBM and a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I have the privilege of teaching "Big Data Technology," I have witnessed David's extraordinary journey and development. His performance in my course, marked by a high score of 97 in a competitive cohort of over 100 students, is just the tip of the iceberg in showcasing his academic excellence.

David's technical proficiency and innovative spirit were brilliantly showcased in his final project, where he led the development of a sophisticated full-stack blog website. This project, which included a cutting-edge recommendation algorithm named Trust SVD, leveraged users' social relationships to enhance blog recommendations. David's role in implementing this algorithm in Java, integrating it with database, demonstrated his deep understanding of big data technologies and his ability to translate theoretical concepts into practical, impactful solutions.

The technical complexity of this project cannot be understated. The front-end, developed using Vue, Typescript, Vite, and Arco-Design, was complemented by a robust back-end system. This system, built on Java, Spring Cloud, and deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, involved managing five distinct micro-services. David's proficiency in navigating this complex technical landscape, ensuring seamless integration and functionality, is a clear indicator of his readiness for advanced studies and research in computer science.

David's leadership and organizational skills were equally critical to the success of this project. He embraced the challenging two-week project timeline with remarkable poise, applying Scrum methodologies, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient task management. His ability to foster a collaborative environment, ensuring that each team member could contribute optimally, was instrumental in the project's success.

What sets David apart is not just his technical skillset but also his personal attributes. His hard work, innovation, and excellent communication skills have consistently impressed me. His proactive engagement during office hours and his deep, insightful understanding of complex subjects speak volumes about his dedication and intellectual curiosity.

David's accomplishments extend beyond the academic realm. His success in prestigious software contests, including winning the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp and achieving finalist status in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his AR social app "Trace Note," further attest to his ability to apply his skills in real-world, competitive scenarios.

In David Liu, I see a rare combination of technical brilliance, innovative thinking, leadership, and academic rigor. He is exactly the kind of candidate who not only benefits from but also significantly contributes to the vibrancy of an advanced academic program. I am confident that his participation in your Master's program will be mutually beneficial, and he will emerge as a leader in the field of computer science.

I am available for any further discussions or to provide additional insights into David's remarkable abilities and potential. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

I am writing to you with great pleasure to recommend David Liu for enrollment in your prestigious Master of Computer Science program. As a visiting professor at Northeastern University, where I have the honor of teaching "Big Data Technology," I have had the opportunity to observe David's remarkable growth and journey. His accomplishment in my course, where he received a high score of 97 out of a competitive cohort of more than 100 students, is only the beginning of his impressive academic record.

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am delighted to recommend David Liu for admission to your prestigious Master's programme in Computer Science. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology," I have seen David's impressive journey and progress. David's academic excellence surpassed my expectations in the course I instructed, as evident from his outstanding score of 97 in a highly competitive cohort of more than 100 students.

His final project was a testament to his expertise and ingenuity, where he successfully led the development of a sophisticated full-stack blog website. This project utilised a state-of-the-art recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilised users' social connections to improve blog recommendations. David's role in Java implementation and database integration showcased his extensive knowledge of big data technology and effectiveness in converting theoretical concepts into practical, noteworthy solutions.

This project's technical complexities should not be underestimated. The Vue, Typescript, Vite, and Arco-Design developed the front-end while the back-end employed Java and Spring Cloud. The Kubernetes cluster was utilized for deployment and involved managing five unique micro-services. David's technical ability to navigate this complexity to ensure seamless integration and functionality demonstrates his suitability for advanced studies and research in computer science.

David's leadership and organizational abilities were equally important for the project's success. He successfully managed the challenging two-week project timeline by implementing Scrum methodologies, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient task management. His talent for fostering a collaborative atmosphere, ensuring that every team member could contribute optimally, was essential to the project's success.

David distinguishes himself not only through his technical expertise but also through his outstanding personal qualities. His diligence, creativity, and exceptional communication skills have left a lasting impression on me. His active participation during working hours and his profound comprehension of intricate concepts demonstrate his committed attitude and intellectual curiosity.

David's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His achievements in renowned software contests, notably securing the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp and reaching finalist status in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his AR social application "Trace Note," demonstrate his capacity to apply his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios.

David distinguishes himself not only through his technical aptitude but also through his personal traits. His diligence, creativity, and communication abilities have consistently left a lasting impression on me. Additionally, his proactive engagement during office hours and profound comprehension of intricate topics demonstrate his commitment and intellectual curiosity.

It is worth noting that David's achievements exceed the confines of academia. David Liu's success in esteemed software competitions highlights his adeptness in real-world, competitive scenarios. Notably, he secured the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp and made it to the finalists' stage in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his AR social app, "Trace Note".

Liu's rare combination of technical brilliance, innovative thinking, leadership, and academic rigor is evident and impressive. He is precisely the type of candidate who can reap the benefits from, and significantly enhance, the vibrancy of an advanced academic programme. I am confident that his enrolment in your Master's programme will be mutually advantageous, and he will emerge as an influential figure in the field of computer science.

I am available for further discussions or to offer additional insight into David's outstanding abilities and potential. Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am delighted to recommend David Liu for admission to your prestigious Master's programme. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology," I have seen David's impressive journey and progress. David's academic excellence surpassed my expectations in the course I instructed, as evident from his outstanding score of 97 in a highly competitive cohort of more than 100 students.

His final project was a testament to his expertise and ingenuity, where he successfully led the development of a complex full-stack blog website. This project utilised a state-of-the-art recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilised users' social connections to improve blog recommendations. David's role in Java implementation and database integration showcased his extensive knowledge of big data technology and effectiveness in converting theoretical concepts into practical, noteworthy solutions.

This project's technical complexities should not be underestimated. The Vue, Typescript, Vite, and Arco-Design developed the front-end while the back-end employed Java and Spring Cloud. The Kubernetes cluster was utilized for deployment and involved managing five unique micro-services. David's technical ability to navigate this complexity to ensure seamless integration and functionality demonstrates his suitability for advanced studies and research in computer science.

David's leadership and organizational abilities were equally important for the project's success. He successfully managed the challenging two-week project timeline by implementing Scrum methodologies, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient task management. His talent for fostering a collaborative atmosphere, ensuring that every team member could contribute optimally, was essential to the project's success.

David distinguishes himself not only through his technical aptitude but also through his personal traits. His diligence, creativity, and exceptional communication abilities have consistently left a lasting impression on me. Additionally, his proactive engagement during office hours and profound comprehension of intricate topics demonstrate his commitment and intellectual curiosity.

David's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His achievements in renowned software contests, notably securing the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp and reaching finalist status in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his AR social application "Trace Note," demonstrate his capacity to apply his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios.

Liu's rare combination of technical brilliance, innovative thinking, leadership, and academic rigor is evident and impressive. He is precisely the type of candidate who can reap the benefits from, and significantly enhance, the vibrancy of an advanced academic programme. I am confident that his enrolment in your Master's programme will be mutually advantageous, and he will emerge as an influential figure in the field of computer science.

I am available for further discussions or to offer additional insight into David's outstanding abilities and potential. Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am delighted to recommend David Liu for admission to your prestigious Master's program in Computer Science. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology," I have seen David's impressive journey and progress. David's academic excellence surpassed my expectations in the course I instructed, as evident from his outstanding score of 97 in a highly competitive cohort of more than 100 students.

His final project was a testament to his expertise and ingenuity, where he successfully led the development of a sophisticated full-stack blog website. This project utilized a state-of-the-art recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilized users' social connections to improve blog recommendations. David's role in Java implementation and database integration showcased his extensive knowledge of big data technology and his effectiveness in converting theoretical concepts into practical, noteworthy solutions.

This project's technical complexities should not be underestimated. The Vue, Typescript, Vite, and Arco-Design developed the front end while the back end employed Java and Spring Cloud. The Kubernetes cluster was utilized for deployment and involved managing five unique micro-services. David's technical ability to navigate this complexity to ensure seamless integration and functionality demonstrates his suitability for advanced studies and research in computer science.

David's leadership and organizational abilities were equally important for the project's success. He successfully managed the challenging two-week project timeline by implementing Scrum methodologies, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient task management. His talent for fostering a collaborative atmosphere, ensuring that every team member could contribute optimally, was essential to the project's success.

David distinguishes himself not only through his technical expertise but also through his outstanding personal qualities. His diligence, creativity, and exceptional communication skills have left a lasting impression on me. His active participation during working hours and his profound comprehension of intricate concepts demonstrate his committed attitude and intellectual curiosity.

David's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His achievements in renowned software contests, notably securing the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp and reaching finalist status in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his AR social application "Trace Note," demonstrate his capacity to apply his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios.

David distinguishes himself not only through his technical aptitude but also through his traits. His diligence, creativity, and exceptional communication abilities have consistently left a lasting impression on me. Additionally, his proactive engagement during office hours and profound comprehension of intricate topics demonstrate his commitment and intellectual curiosity.

It is worth noting that David's achievements exceed the confines of academia. David Liu's success in esteemed software competitions highlights his adeptness in real-world, competitive scenarios. Notably, he was awarded the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp with this TrustSVD recommendation system knowledge sharing platform.

Liu's rare combination of technical brilliance, innovative thinking, leadership, and academic rigor is evident and impressive. He is precisely the type of candidate who can reap the benefits from, and significantly enhance, the vibrancy of an advanced academic program. I am confident that his enrolment in your Master's program will be mutually advantageous, and he will emerge as an influential figure in the field of computer science.

I am available for further discussions or to offer additional insight into David's outstanding abilities and potential. Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

I am glad to recommend David Liu for admission to your esteemed Master of Science in Computer Science program. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology," I've witnessed David's remarkable journey and progress. David's academic excellence in the course I coached exceeded my expectations, as evidenced by his top score of 97/100 in a highly competitive cohort of more than 100 students.

His final project, in which he successfully led the construction of a sophisticated full-stack blog website, demonstrated his expertise and resourcefulness. This project made use of Trust SVD, a cutting-edge recommendation algorithm that used users' social ties to improve blog recommendations. David's participation in Java implementation and database integration demonstrated his broad knowledge of big data technology as well as his ability to translate theoretical concepts into practical, notable solutions.

The technological complexity of this undertaking should not be underestimated. The front-end was built with Vue and Arco-Design, while the back-end was built with Java and Spring Cloud. Kubernetes was used for deployment, and five distinct microservices were managed. David's technical competence to negotiate this complexity in order to assure integration and functionality proves his eligibility for advanced computer science studies and research.

David's leadership and organizational skills were critical to the project's success. By applying Scrum methodology, arranging daily stand-up meetings, and employing Trello for effective task management, he successfully handled the tough two-week project timetable. His ability to build a collaborative environment in which every team member could participate maximally was critical to the project's success.

David distinguishes himself not only by his technical skills, but also by his exceptional human traits. His perseverance, ingenuity, and remarkable communication abilities have made an indelible effect on me. His enthusiastic engagement during working hours, as well as his comprehensive understanding of complex subjects, indicate his dedicated attitude and intellectual curiosity.

It is worth mentioning that David's accomplishments extend beyond academics. David Liu's accomplishment in prestigious software contests demonstrates his ability in real-world, competitive circumstances. Notably, he won first place in the ByteDance Youth Camp and advanced to the final round of the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his augmented reality social app, "Trace Note."

Liu possesses a rare blend of technical skill, inventive thinking, leadership, and academic rigor. He is the sort of individual who can profit from and considerably improve the liveliness of an advanced academic program. I am convinced that his enrollment in your Master's program will benefit both of us, and that he will emerge as a prominent person in the field of computer science.

I am available for further discussions or to offer additional insight into David's outstanding abilities and potential. Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Dear Admission Committee,

I am glad to write this letter of recommendation for Dawei Liu who is applying for your prestigious Master's program. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology", I have seen Dawei's impressive journey and progress. Dawei's academic excellence and technical expertise really stand out, as evident from his outstanding score of 97 in a highly competitive cohort of more than 100 students.

In the final project, he led the development of a complex full-stack blog website. This system was equipped with an advanced recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilised users' social connections to improve recommendations. The front end was built with Vue, Typescript, Vite, and Arco-Design, while the back end was built with Java and Spring Cloud. He developed five microservices, and deployed them on Kubernetes cluster. Dawei's role in system design and implementation showcased his extensive knowledge of big data technology and effectiveness in converting theoretical concepts into practical, noteworthy solutions, which demonstrates his suitability for advanced computer science studies and research.

Dawei's leadership and organizational abilities were equally important for the project's success. He successfully managed the challenging two-week project timeline by implementing Scrum methodologies, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient task management. His talent for fostering a collaborative atmosphere, ensuring that every team member could contribute optimally, was essential to the project's success.

Dawei distinguishes himself not only through his technical aptitude but also through his personal traits. His diligence, creativity, and communication skills have left a lasting impression on me. Additionally, his proactive engagement during office hours and profound comprehension of intricate topics demonstrate his commitment and intellectual curiosity.

It is worth noting that Dawei's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His achievements in renowned software contests highlights his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios. Notably, he applied what he learn from the course to develop a knowledge-sharing platform with Trust SVD recommendation system, winning the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp.

notably securing the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp and reaching finalist status in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest with his AR social application "Trace Note," demonstrate his capacity to apply his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios.

It is worth noting that Dawei's achievements exceed the confines of academia. Dawei Liu's success in esteemed software competitions highlights his adeptness in real-world, competitive scenarios. Notably, he later applied what he learn from the course to develop a knowledge-sharing platform project with Trust SVD recommendation, winning the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp.

Dawei's impressive combination of technical brilliance, innovative thinking, leadership, and academic rigor is evident and commendable. He is precisely the kind of candidate who could benefits from and contribute to the vibrancy of an advanced academic program. I am confident that his enrolment in your Master's program would be mutually advantageous, and he will emerge as an influential figure in the field of computer science.

I am available for further discussions or to offer additional insight into Dawei's outstanding abilities and potential. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Dear Admission Committee,

I am glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Dawei Liu who is applying for your Master'sprogram. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology", I have seen Dawei's impressive journey and progress. Dawei's academic excellence and technical expertise really stand out, as evident from his outstanding score of 97 in a highly competitive cohort of more than 100 students.

In the final project, he led the development of a complex full-stack blog website. This system was equipped with an advanced recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilised users' social connections to improve recommendations. He developed five microservices with Java and Spring Cloud, and deployed them on Kubernetes cluster. Dawei's role in system design and implementation shows his deep understanding of big data technology and ability in converting theoretical concepts into practical solutions.

Dawei's leadership were equally important for the project's success. He successfully managed the challenging project within two weeks, by implementing Scrum method, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient project management. He can effectively navigate disagreements and foster consensus among the group, which can increase team efficiency.

It is worth noting that Dawei's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His achievements in software contests highlight his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios. For example, he applied what he learn from the course to develop a knowledge-sharing platform with Trust SVD recommendation system, and won the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp.

In summary, Dawei is an outstanding young man, very dependable and self motivated. He has great technical aptitude and personal traits. He is precisely the kind of candidate who could benefits from and contribute to your Master's program. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Dawei distinguishes himself not only through his technical aptitude but also through his personal traits. His diligence, creativity, and communication skills have left a lasting impression on me. He is precisely the kind of candidate who could benefits from and contribute to your Master's program. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Dear Admission Committee,

I am glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Dawei Liu who is applying for your Master's program. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology", I have seen Dawei's impressive journey and progress. Dawei's academic performance and technical expertise really stand out.

In the final project, he led the development of a complex full-stack blog website. This system was equipped with an novel recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilised users' social connections to improve recommendations. He developed five microservices with Java and Spring Cloud, and deployed them on Kubernetes cluster. Dawei's role in system design and implementation shows his deep understanding of big data technology and ability in converting theoretical concepts into practical solutions.

Dawei's leadership were equally important for the project's success. He successfully managed the challenging project within two weeks, by implementing Scrum method, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient project management. He can effectively navigate disagreements, foster consensus among the group and ensure that every team member could contribute optimally, which was essential to his teamwork.

It is worth noting that Dawei's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His achievements in software contests highlight his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios. For example, he applied what he learn from the course to develop a knowledge-sharing platform with Trust SVD recommendation system, and won the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp.

In summary, Dawei is an outstanding young man, very dependable and self motivated. He has great technical aptitude and personal traits. He is precisely the kind of candidate who could benefits from and contribute to your Master's program. I give Dawei my highest recommendation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Dear Admission Committee,

I am glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Dawei Liu who is applying for your Master's programme. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology", I have seen Dawei's impressive journey and progress. Dawei's academic performance and technical expertise really stand out.

In the final project, he led the development of a intelligent blog website. This system was equipped with a novel recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilized users' social connections to improve recommendations. He developed five microservices with Java and Spring Cloud and deployed them on the Kubernetes cluster. Dawei's role in system design and implementation shows his deep understanding of big data technology and ability to convert theoretical concepts into practical solutions.

Dawei's leadership was equally important for the project's success. He successfully managed the challenging project within two weeks, by implementing the Scrum method, organizing daily stand-up meetings, and utilizing Trello for efficient project management. He can effectively navigate disagreements, foster consensus among the group, and ensure that every team member can contribute optimally, which was essential to his teamwork.

It is worth noting that Dawei's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His achievements in software contests highlight his abilities in competitive real-world scenarios. For example, he applied what he learned from the course to develop a knowledge-sharing platform with the Trust SVD recommendation system, and won the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp.

Dawei is an outstanding young man. His rare combination of technical brilliance, innovative thinking, leadership, and academic rigor is evident and impressive. He is precisely the kind of candidate who could benefit from, and significantly enhance, the vibrancy of an advanced academic programme. I am confident that his enrolment in your Master's programme will be mutually advantageous, and he will emerge as an influential figure in the field of computer science.

In short, I give Dawei my highest recommendation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Dear Admission Committee,

I am glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Dawei Liu who is applying for your Master's programme. As a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, where I teach "Big Data Technology", I have seen Dawei's impressive academic performance and technical expertise.

In the final project, he led the development of an intelligent blog website. This system was equipped with a novel recommendation algorithm called Trust SVD, which utilized users' social connections to improve recommendations. He developed five microservices with Java and Spring Cloud and deployed them on the Kubernetes cluster. Dawei's role in system design and implementation shows his deep understanding of big data technology and ability to convert theoretical concepts into practical solutions.

Dawei's leadership was equally important to the success of the project. He successfully completed the project within two weeks by implementing the Scrum methodology, organising daily stand-up meetings and using Trello for efficient project management. He helped team members solve problems they encountered during the coding process. He can effectively facilitate consensus in group discussions and ensure that each team member can contribute optimally, which has been essential to his teamwork.

It is worth noting that Dawei's achievements reach far beyond his academic pursuits. His success in software competitions demonstrates his skills in competitive real-world scenarios. For example, he applied what he learned from the course to develop a knowledge-sharing platform with the Trust SVD recommendation system, and won the First Prize in the ByteDance Youth Camp.

Dawei is an outstanding young man. He is precisely the kind of candidate who could benefit from, and significantly enhance, the vibrancy of an advanced academic programme. I am confident that his enrolment in your Master's programme will be mutually advantageous, and he will emerge as an influential figure in the field of computer science.

In short, I give Dawei Liu my highest recommendation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.