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Yin Zhang

David LiuAbout 7 min

Yin Zhang

Reference Type: Academic


Northeastern University


Associate Professor

Advisor-Advisee Relationship

+86 18602424420

Dawei Liu

Software College

Northeastern University, Chuangxin Rd, Hunnan District

Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 110100

Peer group: more than 500 of my students over the past five years

know: 24m

In what capability: Associate Professor and Project Advisor

I have known Dawei Liu for approximately 1.5 years, in my capacity as an Associate Professor at the Software College, Northeastern University, and as his project advisor during the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest.

What are the applicant's chief weaknesses or areas of growth?

English oral communication

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to recommend Mr. Dawei Liu, a remarkably talented student from the Software Engineering program at Northeastern University's Software College. As his academic advisor and mentor during his involvement in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest, I have had the opportunity to closely observe his technical acumen, leadership skills, and rapid professional development.

Mr. Liu led a team project that culminated in the creation of 'Trace Note,' an innovative AR-based social application, which notably secured the second prize in the finals and first prize in the regional competition. This achievement alone speaks volumes about his capabilities. However, it is the manner in which he accomplished this feat that truly sets him apart. As the team leader, Mr. Liu was instrumental in every phase of development. He adeptly managed a team of three peers, creating an environment where each member's skills were optimally utilized and valued. His leadership was not just about delegation; it was about inspiring a collective vision and working collaboratively towards it.

Mr. Liu's technical proficiency is exceptional. He was responsible for designing and developing most of the core functions of 'Trace Note.' The app's development involved a sophisticated tech stack including Swift, SwiftUI, ARKit for the front end, and Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Redis, and RabbitMQ for the backend. Notably, his innovative use of Redis GEO to implement a location-based service was a key feature that set the app apart in the contest. His ability to harness and integrate such a diverse range of technologies is a testament to his comprehensive understanding of software engineering.

In terms of academic performance, Mr. Liu is a standout in our Software Engineering program. He consistently ranks in the top 1% of his class, a remarkable achievement considering the rigorous curriculum of our college. His performance in the iOS Development Technologies course was particularly noteworthy, where he achieved the highest score in the class – a 95. This accomplishment is a reflection not just of his technical skills but also of his engagement and participation in class discussions, his perfection in lab assignments, and his consistently high performance in quizzes.

What impresses me most about Mr. Liu is his ability to rapidly adapt and learn. Originally focusing on backend development, he swiftly transitioned to mastering full-stack development, with a particular emphasis on cutting-edge iOS technologies like SwiftUI and Reality Kit. This rapid expansion of his skill set, achieved in just a few weeks, underscores his capability as a quick learner and a versatile developer.

Looking towards the future, I have no doubt that Mr. Liu possesses the potential to make significant contributions to the field of software engineering. His blend of technical expertise, innovative thinking, and leadership qualities makes him well-suited for any challenging and dynamic environment. His ability to navigate and adapt to new technologies and trends will undoubtedly make him a valuable asset in any team or organization.

In conclusion, I strongly endorse Mr. Dawei Liu for any position or opportunity he chooses to pursue. His performance in both academic and practical projects has been nothing short of outstanding. He has faced and overcome challenges with resilience and has consistently demonstrated the capacity for innovation and leadership. It is without reservation that I recommend him, confident in his abilities to excel and contribute significantly to any endeavor.

Should you require any additional information or insights into Mr. Liu's qualifications and achievements, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]
Associate Professor
Software College
Northeastern University

GPT0: 92%

It is my pleasure to recommend Dawei Liu for admission to you esteemed program.

Dear [Recipient's Name/Title],

I am writing to you in my capacity as an Associate Professor at the Software College, Northeastern University, to recommend Mr. Dawei Liu, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing as his academic advisor and mentor. My interactions with Dawei during the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest have provided me with ample insights into his abilities and potential.

Dawei's leadership role in developing the 'Trace Note' app, an AR-based social application, was nothing short of exemplary. The project was a significant challenge, incorporating advanced technologies like Swift, SwiftUI, and ARKit for the front end, and Java, Spring Boot, and other complex tools for the backend. Dawei not only understood these technologies but also applied them creatively, particularly with the location-based features using Redis GEO. His technical prowess was a driving force behind the project's success, earning the team second place in the finals and first in the regional competition.

What sets Dawei apart is not just his technical skills, but also his leadership and ability to bring out the best in his team. As a professor, it was gratifying to see him conduct bi-weekly meetings, manage project timelines, and ensure seamless communication among team members. His approach was always inclusive, encouraging, and focused on collective success.

In the classroom, Dawei is among the top 1% of students in our Software Engineering program. His exceptional performance in the iOS Development Technologies course, where he scored the highest mark, is a testament to his dedication and intellect. He engages actively in discussions, and his lab work reflects a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Dawei's adaptability is particularly noteworthy. His transition from a backend-focused role to a proficient full-stack developer was swift and impressive. He embraced new technologies and integrated them effectively into his work, showcasing his ability to evolve with the changing landscape of software development.

I am confident that Dawei's future in software engineering is bright. His combination of technical skill, innovative thinking, and leadership ability positions him uniquely for a successful career. He is not only a capable software engineer but also a natural leader who can inspire and manage teams effectively.

I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Dawei Liu for any position or opportunity he seeks to pursue. His commitment, intelligence, and adaptability make him a valuable asset to any organization. Please feel free to reach out to me for any further information or clarification.


As an Associate Professor at Northeastern University's Software College, I am writing to express my wholehearted recommendation of Mr. Dawei Liu, a standout student in our software engineering program. My advisory role in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest offered me a front-row seat to Dawei's extraordinary technical skills and design thinking, particularly through his work on the 'Trace Note' app.

'Trace Note' is an AR-based social application that Dawei led his team to develop. The app allows users to leave AR messages ('notes') at specific locations ('traces'), creating a unique social interaction tied to physical places. What's impressive about Dawei's work is not just···· the concept but also the execution. He skillfully used advanced technologies to bring this idea to life. For instance, he utilized Redis GEO structures to store data about 'traces,' enabling users to find and join traces based on proximity.

One of the notable features of 'Trace Note' is its social engagement aspect. Users can leave messages at locations, view messages left by others, and even reply to them, creating a time-independent social link between people and places. This innovative approach to social interaction showcases Dawei's ability to think creatively and design user-centric applications.

Another fascinating aspect of 'Trace Note' is its use of gamification. Users earn tokens through daily sign-ins, which can be used to unlock personalized fonts and background colors. Dawei implemented this feature using Redis BitMap to track sign-on data and integrated RabbitMQ and Redis for an efficient 'seckill' (flash sale) functionality. This demonstrates his proficiency in using complex technologies to enhance user experience and engagement.

Dawei's leadership throughout this project was exemplary. He not only steered the technical development but also fostered a collaborative team environment. His ability to translate complex technical ideas into actionable plans and lead a team towards their realization is a rare and valuable skill.

Academically, Dawei is among the top 1% in our program. His high score in the iOS Development Technologies course and his active participation in class discussions and lab work are testament to his dedication and intellectual curiosity. His rapid transition from a backend-focused role to a proficient full-stack developer, especially in the realm of iOS applications, speaks to his adaptability and eagerness to embrace new challenges.

In summary, Mr. Dawei Liu is a remarkable talent with a proven track record in both academic and practical realms. His innovative work on 'Trace Note', combined with his technical expertise and leadership skills, makes him an ideal candidate for any forward-thinking organization or challenging role. I am confident that he will continue to excel and innovate in his future endeavors.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information or insights regarding Mr. Liu's capabilities and achievements.

I am writing to express my wholehearted recommendation of Mr. Dawei Liu, a standout student in our software engineering program. My advisory role in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest offered me a front-row seat to Dawei's extraordinary technical skills and design thinking, particularly through his work on the 'Trace Note' app.

'Trace Note' is an AR-based social application that Dawei led his team to develop. The app allows users to leave AR messages ('notes') at specific locations in an place ('traces'), creating a unique social interaction tied to physical places. What's impressive about Dawei's work is not just···· the concept but also the execution. He skillfully used advanced technologies to bring this idea to life. For instance, he utilized Redis GEO structures to store data about 'traces,' enabling users to find and join traces based on proximity.

One of the notable features of 'Trace Note' is its social engagement aspect. Users can leave messages at locations, view messages left by others, and even reply to them, creating a time-independent social link between people and places. This innovative approach to social interaction showcases Dawei's ability to think creatively and design user-centric applications.

Another fascinating aspect of 'Trace Note' is its use of gamification. Users earn tokens through daily sign-ins, which can be used to unlock personalized fonts and background colors. Dawei implemented this feature using Redis BitMap to track sign-on data and integrated RabbitMQ and Redis for an efficient 'seckill' (flash sale) functionality. This demonstrates his proficiency in using complex technologies to enhance user experience and engagement.

Dawei's leadership throughout this project was exemplary. He not only steered the technical development but also fostered a collaborative team environment. His ability to translate complex technical ideas into actionable plans and lead a team towards their realization is a rare and valuable skill.

Academically, Dawei is among the top 1% in our program. His high score in the iOS Development Technologies course and his active participation in class discussions and lab work are testament to his dedication and intellectual curiosity. His rapid transition from a backend-focused role to a proficient full-stack developer, especially in the realm of iOS applications, speaks to his adaptability and eagerness to embrace new challenges.

In summary, Mr. Dawei Liu is a remarkable talent with a proven track record in both academic and practical realms. His innovative work on 'Trace Note', combined with his technical expertise and leadership skills, makes him an ideal candidate for any forward-thinking organization or challenging role. I am confident that he will continue to excel and innovate in his future endeavors.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information or insights regarding Mr. Liu's capabilities and achievements.