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David LiuLess than 1 minute


Please tell us about aspects of your background and experience that are no’t captured by other parts of this application. We suggest answering the questions below. You can answer them in any order, and they do not need to be called out explicitly. Statements are typically one to two pages in length. Please limit text to 1000 words. Please view the application guidelines page on our websiteopen in new window for more information on how to create a successful application.

  • Other than reputation, what most interests you about attending the graduate program you indicated as your first choice in your Electrical and Computer Engineering application?
  • What are your goals after you complete your degree, and how will our graduate program help you achieve your immediate and longer-term future career objectives?
  • Please explain why you selected your research areas/areas of interest and/or interested faculty in the application.
  • Describe how your work, research, educational, or other life experiences have prepared you for graduate study in this program.
  • Choose one of the following topics and discuss:
    • A time when you faced a difficult academic challenge or hurdle and how you navigated through it.
    • An example of how you managed your time and academic workload in a previous or current degree program.
    • An example of a leadership or mentoring role that you held. What was the role and how did it impact you?