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David LiuAbout 4 min

CMU Heinz

The final admission application deadline in order to be considered for all of our scholarship and fellowship support is January 10, but we will continue to accept applications after the deadline as long as space remains in the incoming class. To submit the application, you’ll need to do the following:

  • answer required questions within the online application form
  • upload required essay and résumé
  • register each recommender's name and email address
  • enter test date and registration number for any required standardized test(s)

Supporting materials (transcripts, test scores, recommendations) can arrive after the deadline without negatively impacting your admission decision or scholarship review.

Your essay should address the following 3 questions. We recommend that your total essay length should be 700 words minimum (up to 1100 words suggested maximum). It is acceptable, but not required, to copy and paste the questions below into your essay.

  1. What are your career goals after completing graduate school? (Recommended response length: 150-300 words)
  2. How have your prior experiences (professional, academic, and/or personal) prepared you for graduate study and informed your career goals? (Recommended response length: 400-500 words)
  3. How will attending this degree program at Heinz College help you achieve your career goals? (Recommended response length: 150-300 words)

Your essay should contain only true information and your own, original content. You should not use artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, to write any portion of your essay. If you include a quote or text written by any other person or published in any printed or online format, you must surround the copied text in quotation marks (") and indicate the original source of the text. Information reported on your résumé is subject to verification. The Heinz College Office of Admissions utilizes several methods to identify plagiarized, AI-generated, and falsified content in uploaded documents. Submission of false, plagiarized or AI-generated material as part of the application for admission may result in automatic denial of admission to any degree program.

1. Career Goals After Completing Graduate School

Upon completing my graduate studies, my foremost career goal is to become a leading software developer specializing in artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. I envision myself at the forefront of developing cutting-edge technologies that not only push the boundaries of what is technically possible but also consider the ethical implications of AI. I am particularly interested in creating software solutions that enhance user experience, facilitate seamless human-computer interaction, and contribute positively to society.

In the long term, I aim to establish myself as an innovator and thought leader in the tech industry. I aspire to work in environments that prioritize research and development, such as leading tech companies or innovative startups. My goal is to be part of teams that are at the cusp of technological breakthroughs, contributing my skills and insights to projects that have the potential to transform industries and improve lives.

Furthermore, I am passionate about the idea of mentorship and leadership in the tech community. I envision sharing my knowledge and experiences through teaching or consulting roles, helping to shape the next generation of software developers. Ultimately, my career goal is not just to excel in software development but to make a lasting impact on the field, championing responsible and innovative use of technology.

2. Prior Experiences Preparing for Graduate Study and Informing Career Goals

My journey in software engineering, marked by a blend of rigorous academic training and practical experiences, has laid a solid foundation for my graduate studies and career aspirations.

Academically, my coursework at Northeastern University has been instrumental in building a strong theoretical base. Courses like Data Structures and Algorithms, and Introduction to Artificial Intelligence have not only honed my technical skills but also sparked my interest in the potential applications of AI in software development. Achieving a high GPA of 3.94, I have demonstrated not only my intellectual capabilities but also my commitment to excellence in my field.

Competitive software development contests have been a vital part of my journey, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Winning the first prize at the ByteDance Youth Camp for developing a knowledge-sharing platform with a social-based recommendation system was a significant achievement. It taught me the importance of user-centered design and the potential of software to foster community and knowledge dissemination. Similarly, being a finalist in the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest for my AR social application 'Trace Note' was an exercise in exploring the cutting-edge technology of augmented reality and its integration into social connectivity.

My internship at Jingdong, a leading e-commerce giant in China, was another pivotal experience. Developing a resource management service and an AI activity page auto-generate service, I gained hands-on experience in a fast-paced, innovative corporate environment. This experience was crucial in understanding the practical applications of my academic knowledge and the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in professional settings.

These experiences have not only prepared me for the academic rigor of graduate studies but have also helped shape my career goals. They have reinforced my passion for software development, particularly in AI and human-computer interaction, and have highlighted the importance of ethical considerations in technology.

3. How Attending This Degree Program Will Help Achieve Career Goals

Attending CMU’s Master of Science in Computer Science program is a critical step towards achieving my career goals. The program's reputation for excellence in technological education and research is aligned with my aspiration to become a leading figure in the field of software development.

The curriculum, with its focus on areas such as artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction, is particularly well-suited to my interests and career objectives. Engaging in cutting-edge research and collaborative projects will provide me with the opportunity to deepen my technical expertise and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field.

Furthermore, CMU’s emphasis on the ethical and societal implications of computing resonates deeply with my personal philosophy. I believe that understanding these aspects is crucial for any software developer aspiring to make a positive impact in the industry. The interdisciplinary approach of the program will equip me with a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the tech sector, preparing me for responsible and innovative leadership roles.

Additionally, the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with a diverse and talented cohort of peers and faculty will enhance my perspectives and skills. The network and connections I will build at CMU will be invaluable in my professional journey, opening doors to collaborative opportunities and potential career paths.

In essence, CMU’s MSCS program is not just an academic pursuit for me; it is a strategic step towards fulfilling my ambition to become an innovator and leader in the world of technology.