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David LiuAbout 3 min


Academic Exp

I have always had a considerable interest and a strong aptitude for Mathematics and Science Physics is my forte, and I was ranked among the top 0.1%of students in physics in the A.I.S.S.C.E'98, for which I am receiving a national scholarship. Academics always interested me and with my inclination towards physics and mathematics,I decided to take up engineering after my high school education.Toopen in new window achieve this,I appeared for the JEE to get into the IITs, the country's highest technical institute for undergraduate studies. My diligent and methodical work helped me secure admission to IIT-Madras with the distinction of being in the top 1%of the 100,000 candidates who attempted it. I chose Metallurgical Engineering as my major, encompassing all facets of my interest and various disciplines.Itopen in new window is one of the most exciting fields of research today, with a wide variety of applications;new materials are shaping future technologies.

During my study at IIT Madras.I developed a firm base in the various fields of Metallurgical Engineering including Mechanical Metallurgy,Thermodynamics,Heat and Mass Transfer,Physical Metallurgy and Iron and Steel Making.Introductory engineering courses like Chemistry II introduced me to atomic and subatomic characteristics of materials, while Physics lI taught me electrostatics. dielectrics.and polarization.I also tailored my course structure to encompass a variety of subjects related to Materials Science and Engineering,like Electronic Materials,Composite Technology Advanced Materials and Processes,and Modern Materials.These courses have given me a strong foundation,inspiring me to pursue graduate study in Material Science and Engineering.

Work Experience

领航者open in new window, 领航者open in new window

my internship at JD.comopen in new window, China's e-commerce giant.

As a backend software development engineer, I participated in the development of Yanxi AI Develop & Computing platform and AI-Pilot Marketing Platform.

Yanxi AI Develop & Computing platform: refactor resource management service. Utilized decoupled asynchronous, observer pattern avoid redundance. make the resource calculation process faster, and achieve 20 time faster when service start initialization. Develop Helm chart for Yanxi AI Develop & Computing platform, participate in the private delivery for China Construction Bank.

AI-Pilot Marketing Platform: refactor AI activity page auto-generate service. Utilized strategy pattern to enhance reusability. Develop pipeline to make user can get auto page generation with simple prompt text or picture, and can change the page style with some options.

Refactored the resource management service by implementing ConfigMap for automated and configurable resource splitting solutions.

Utilized the Kubernetes Informer mechanism, along with observer pattern, asynchronous processing, row locking, and discard policies, to significantly improve the efficiency of platform resource margin calculation and achieve a 20x faster service startup speed.

Optimized the CI/CD toolchain by implementing cloud-native CI workflows using Argo Workflows. Leveraged GitOps to trigger Argo CD.

Participated in the privatization deployment project for China Construction Bank (CCB) by building Helm charts to enable platform privatization deployment capabilities.

Refactored the activity page generation service for the AI-pilot Marketing platform, enhancing code structure and improving code reusability by implementing the strategy pattern.

Project Experience

Trace Note

Trace Note - Team Leader, National Second Prize of 2022 Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest

ranked top 4 in AR track out of 2287 teams

1690 teams

An augmented reality social application based on location. Users can place notes in nearby scenes to share their experiences and earn tokens

through consecutive check-ins for personalized items.

Implemented AOP to validate user login status and permissions using annotations. Utilized Redis for distributed session management, resolving login synchronization issues across clusters.
Implemented the template pattern to create a generic cache access static method, effectively addressing cache avalanche, cache penetration, and cache breakdown issues.

Utilized Redis Geo to store nearby traces and utilized Geo Search commands for high-speed trace queries and distance-based sorting. Implemented user following and mutual following features using Redis Set data structure, ensuring data persistence with Redis AOF.

Used Lua scripts to perform inventory pre-checks for accessories, preventing overselling and enabling one order per person. Employed RabbitMQ

for asynchronous order creation and timeout-based order cancellation.


Juejin - Team Leader, First Prize of the 4th ByteDance Youth Camp

A knowledge-sharing platform for nuggets. The TrustSVD social recommendation algorithm is used to realize personalized recommendation.

Using the TrustSVD social recommendation algorithm, the intelligent recommendation Timeline's Feed flow is realized, the information cocoon room is avoided and the recommendation system's cold start problem is solved.

Based on the Spring Scheduler to achieve daily morning recalculate the TrustSVD recommendation data, to ensure the accuracy of the recommendation, improve the user's access experience, and by Redisson distributed locks to ensure that the cluster at the same time of the scheduled task only once.
Use tengxun COS storage to centralize the storage of user pictures, and by limiting the size, verification suffix and other ways to prevent file upload vulnerabilities and enhance security.

For the recommended system configuration object, the use of double lock single instance mode for management, so as to reuse the object, avoid the repeated creation of object overhead, easy to centralized maintenance and management.

Defines unified data return classes and global exception handling logic to standardize data transmission and exception handling.

Why School

Deep Technical Knowledge

"I definitely increased the depth of my security knowledge through courses at CMU. This profound knowledge helped me in moving to a tech lead role for an application security project within less than two years at Amazon."

– Manideep Konakandla, Senior Security Engineer and Tech Lead, Amazon

An Interdisciplinary Perspective
"Exposure to both engineering and business helped to form principles that became my framework working in the industry. How INI bridged these two different worlds was the most valuable part."

– Yen-Ming Chen, Program Manager at Apple

Strong Network and Connections
"I came to CMU right after my undergrad, so my time and experience at the INI was the foundation for beginning my career. Today, networking is a breeze, and it's great to see that there is usually an INI alum as a mutual connection with most people in the tech industry."

– Devika Yeragudipati, Security Engineer, Apple Media Services