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Video Interview

David LiuAbout 1 min

Video Interview

Cornell Tech

1次机会,15min准备,7min录制,tech 共享的


  1. What experiences have led to your interest in the master's program at Cornell Tech?. From 1point 3acres bbs
  2. Given what you know about Cornell Tech, what is one thing you will not be able to get at another school you're applying to? In addtion, describe you interest in this program.
  3. What are your professional plans upon completing your Cornell Tech degree? (please be as specific as possible - e.g., if you're planning on starting a company or joining an existing one, please describe your aspirations)
  4. Describe an experience in which someone from a different field taught you something new about yourself and your work?
  5. Thinking about the last time you had to work on a team, what did you enjoy the most about that experience and what did you enjoy the least?
  6. Can you give an example of a time when you flat out failed at something (not a story of "the going got tough, but I eventually triumphed")?



  1. Given what you know about Cornell Tech, what is one thing you will not be able to get at another school you're applying to? In addtion, describe you interest in this program.
  2. Thinking about the last time you had to work on a team, what did you enjoy the most about that experience and what did you enjoy the least?
  3. What are your professional plans upon completing your Cornell Tech degree? (please be as specific as possible - e.g., if you're planning on starting a company or joining an existing one, please describe your aspirations)

据我观察身边的人以及地里的信息,今年题库有且仅有这三道题 in new window

Connective Media 的 Video Essay 一共三道题,题目跳出后计时 900 秒,作答时间 420 秒。

因为时间短,建议可以先开好 word 或是准备好讲稿,避免讲太少/来不及讲完的窘境。