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David LiuAbout 6 min


Short term goal: Software Development Engineer at company with pioneering AI products, such as Google or Meta; Long term goal establish my own AI-focused startup.

*A note about AI: Cornell Tech does not prohibit the use of generative artificial intelligence (ChatGPT, Bard, etc.) to assist with the preparation of personal statements or statements of purpose, however use of any AI tool must be disclosed and properly cited. The content of the Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement must be truthful and accurate.*

Below are two options for your essay submission (1100 words or less, double-spaced, 12-point font). Please choose only one of the prompts and upload your response at the bottom of the page.* (Be sure to include which essay submission you’ve selected at the top of the page.)

Option 1:

Cornell Tech fosters an innovative environment of creativity, technical depth, and leadership. Please submit your personal statement that describes your interest in the master’s program. Your essay should highlight your personal and professional attributes and how they will contribute to Cornell Tech’s [mission]( in new window Mission,master's%2C doctoral and postdoctoral levels.) and valuesopen in new window, your specific master’s program and the tech ecosystem in New York City. Include any personal experiences that demonstrate your creativity, leadership, and technical abilities. In particular, elaborate on the creative and technical aspects of any projects you have completed, your entrepreneurial or leadership skills, and your experience working on team projects.

Option 2:

Cornell Tech’s programs provide students the opportunity to build something meaningful and innovative with a cross-disciplinary team and test it with real users and industry experts. Many of our students have prior software development experience. Have you ever developed a complete software application (i.e., an end-to-end user interface application, one or more web services, a database, etc.)? If so, describe that application and your experience developing it.

In a transformative era, AI is a fundamental force reshaping our world. From the complex world of AI-driven application development to the innovative realm of AI for catalysts, my project and research experiences have shaped my desire to delve deeper into this field, and I am excited to dive deeper with the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Dual Master of Science Degrees with a Concentration in Connective Media at Cornell Tech.

My decision to pursue further education at Cornell Tech comes from my strong academic background established during my undergraduate studies at Northeastern University. There, I achieved a GPA of 3.955 and ranked top 1% in the Software College. My efforts were recognized with awards such as the National Scholarship, Merit Student Scholarship, and Outstanding Student Pacesetter. Among the various courses I took, Big Data Technology, Introduction to Recommendation System, and Fundamentals of Virtual Reality Technology were particularly influential for me. These courses sparked my interest in advanced software applications and their potential to improve technology and solve complex problems.

During my internship at JD.comopen in new window, one of the largest Fortune 500 technology giants in China, I contributed to the Yanxi AI Development and Computing Platform and the AI Pilot Marketing Platform. For the Yanxi platform, I refactored the resource management service to improve efficiency and scalability. By using the Observer Pattern and asynchronous computing, I increased the peak performance of resource recalculation speed by 20 times. Moreover, I refactored the activity page AI auto-generation service for the AI Pilot marketing platform. I organized the functions with the Strategy Pattern to effectively generate each content floor with AIGC and LLM services effectively. Collaborating with machine learning engineers, UI/UX designers, and marketers, I helped design service options and generation workflows, sharpening my AI software skills and deepening my grasp of user-centered design. This experience allows me to see the transformative impact of AIGC in the real technology industry.

Additionally, at the ByteDance Camp, I developed an intelligent knowledge-sharing platform named 'Juejin', using the Trust SVD social recommendation system and was awarded the first prize. I worked as the team leader and developed a full stack website, whose frontend is developed with the advanced Vue3.2 and Vite, and backend is based on Java micro services

Additionally, at the ByteDance Camp, I developed an intelligent knowledge-sharing platform named 'Juejin', using the Trust SVD social recommendation system and was awarded the first prize. A ByteDance engineer noted our project’s meticulous design and innovative approach. This project was a blend of complex frontend and backend development, requiring a keen understanding of user interaction and technical functionality. My leadership involved guiding a four-person team, encouraging creative solutions, and ensuring that every component of the platform was polished and functional. This experience enhanced my skills in team management and project execution, reflecting my ability to lead technically demanding projects.

I also participated in the Mobile Application Innovation Contest, where my AR social app 'Trace Note' received the second prize, ranking third in the AR track among 2,287 teams. These experiences allowed me to put my skills into practice, lead teams, and see my innovative ideas come to life.

I also participated in the Mobile Application Innovation Contest, where my AR social app 'Trace Note' received the second prize, ranking third in the AR track among 2,287 teams. An Apple expert appreciated its potential, likening it to an early version of Facebook for the AR era. This praise highlighted our success in blending AR technology with social networking concepts. The interest from an investor, suggesting team expansion and investment, validated our concept's viability and the technical competencies of our team. My role involved coordinating efforts across various aspects of development, ensuring a harmonious blend of innovation and user-friendly design.

The Trace Note project, which I led, was an ambitious endeavor to revolutionize AR social interaction. At the Apple Mobile Application Innovation Contest, it garnered exceptional praise from Apple's expert judges, one of whom compared it to "the embryonic stage of Facebook in the AR era." This recognition was not just for the innovative concept but also for the technical execution, which was a result of my leadership in guiding a talented team. Our approach combined cutting-edge AR technology with a social networking framework, aiming to create a platform where users could interact in a virtual space seamlessly. This project demanded not only technical expertise in AR development but also a keen understanding of user experience design. The investor's interest in supporting the project further, and the suggestion to expand the team, is a testament to our success in creating a viable, forward-thinking product. It showcased my ability to envision, develop, and lead a project that aligns with future technological trends and user engagement strategies.

In the Juejin project at ByteDance Youth Camp, my role as a leader was to bring a vision to life through impeccable execution and innovative technology. The project involved developing a sophisticated web platform for knowledge sharing, and it was highly praised by a ByteDance frontend engineer for its perfection in detail and technical innovation. This endorsement reflected the high standards we set for the project – every aspect was carefully crafted, integrating advanced software solutions to enhance user experience. My leadership was pivotal in this project; I directed a team of skilled individuals, fostering an environment where creativity and technical prowess could flourish. We tackled challenges in web development, from frontend design to backend functionality, ensuring the platform was not only visually appealing but also robust and user-friendly. This experience honed my skills in project management, team collaboration, and technical innovation. It was a demonstration of my ability to guide a project from conception to completion, ensuring that each element was executed to the highest standard.

I have actively pursued research opportunities that span across various domains of computer science and intersect with other disciplines. At the City University of Hong Kong, I contributed to the TIMEDB bioinformatics data visualization project, by creating more than 20 interactive visualization plots and developing a user-friendly responsive website. This experience honed my skills in data analysis and visualization, key components in understanding complex biological data sets. This project laid the groundwork for my interest in applying computational methods to real-world problems.

Currently, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, I am part of a research team working on AI for catalysts. We utilize Graph Neural Network (GNN) models to aid in the discovery of new photocatalysts. My role involves not only applying deep learning techniques but also collaborating closely with experts from different fields. This interdisciplinary project has not only strengthened my skills in AI and deep learning but also taught me the value of collaborative problem-solving across different scientific fields.

Looking ahead, I aim to start my career at a pioneering company like Google or Meta, renowned for their cutting-edge AI products. I want to be actively engaged in the lifecycle of AI-driven products and gain essential industry insights. In the long term, I aspire to establish my own AI-focused startup, dedicating myself to redefining daily workflows and improving life quality with innovative AI solutions.

Cornell Tech's Connective Media program is an ideal match for me, providing the perfect platform to realize these ambitions. With its distinguished faculty, advanced research, and comprehensive curriculum, it offers an unparalleled opportunity for me to expand my knowledge and contribute to the AI application field. I am particularly drawn to the work being done in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Cornell Tech, which aligns closely with my research interests and career aspirations.

In short, my experience, backed by solid academics and real-world practice, fits well with my plans. I'm eager to join the Connective Media program at Cornell Tech, where I can grow my passion for AI, work on innovative applications, and keep learning. I am confident that this program will play a pivotal role in helping me achieve my aspiration of making a meaningful impact through AI applications.