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David LiuLess than 1 minute


Software Engineering, AI tool development, search and recommendation

Why are you interested in conducting research with these faculty? Provide your interests for each faculty member you listed above. *

For Prof. William Griswold

I am interested in the development of new programming tools. I am also interested in the area of aspect-oriented software development. I am knowledgeable about the principles and usage of Spring AOP and AspectJ.

For Prof. Sicun Gao

I am interested in the search area. I have experience with recommendation algorithms and have developed software systems utilizing TrustSVD recommendations to improve search results.

Additionally, I am interested in the development of AI tools. The automated reasoning tool, dReal, is particularly fascinating to me.

I am interested in the development of new programming tools. I am also interested in the area of aspect-oriented software development. I am familiar with the principle and use of Spring AOP and AspectJ

I am interested in the search area. I have learned some recommendation algorithms and developed software systems with TrustSVD recommendations to better feed and search results.

Moreover, I am interested in AI tool development. The automated reasoning tool, dReal, is fascinating to me.