Milestone 1
Milestone 1
Perlin, Worley noise
Summed Perlin noise terrain
Increase number of grid lines
the lower freq the flatter
different freq and
vec4 offsetPos = vs_Pos + vec4(vs_offset);
float dessertH = dessertHeight(xz);
float grassH = grassLandHeight(xz);
float t = biomeBlender(xz);
t = smoothsep(0.4, 0.6, t); // smooth between biome
float h = mix(dessertH, grassH, t);
offsetPos.y *= h;
- grass
- mountain
noise and distribution
water 生成
chunk rendering
class Chunk {
std::array<BlockType, 65536> m_blocks;
int minX, minZ;
std::unordered_map<Direction, Chunk*, EnumHash> m_neighbors;
struct InputBundle {
bool press
Collision boxes
Const store array<vec3,12>
every tick check distance between ground and
Mini Minecraft
template<class T>
MutexPair {
T sharedResource;
std::mutex lock;
Main Thread
vector<Chunck*> dataForNoiseWorkerThreads;
tick() {
1. update player position, velocity, collisions, etc
2. check to see if we need to make more terrain based on where the player is when we send info to our parallel threads to be processed "worker threads"
Opaque blocks
Transparent Blocks
- Draw all chunks' opaque VBO data
- Draw all chunks' transparent VBO data
I implemented Efficient Terrain Rendering and Chunking by creating create() function for chunk to make it draws the terrain on a per-Chunk basis. To achieve this, I find the neighbor of every block in this chunk, and only draw faces that lie on the boundary between a transparent block and a filled block.
I implemented Procedural Terrain by creating GenerateTerrain() function for Terrain to generate and instantiate all chunk in the given range, and generate grassland, dessert and mountain terrains. To achieve this, I use Perlin noise to generate the height of grassland and dessert, then use biomeBlender to blend their height.