Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam
94/100, ave 82, mid 83, max 98, de 10
5 questions, don't leave anything blank, 90 mins
4/5 questions, 多少写点有的没的就有分
limb-based 一定考
- 大部分简单,有一个难点,sample 和他很像
- 给部分分,写一点东西就会给分,不要空白;不用写大多''
- open book, open notes, laptop, ipad tablet
no need calculator
Euler Angle rates to angular velocity conversion
Review Session
Coordinate Systems
Frame of Reference
subscript superscript notation
- subscript: current
- superscript: target
先读 subscript, 再读 superscript
how to compute the column vectors
Obj to world:
world to obj:
Linear Algebra
Bag of tricks
- Dot product
- Cross product
Orientation Representation
- Euler Angles
- Rotation Matrix
- Quaternions
Order of rotation
- Local axis transform -> post multiply
- World axis transform -> post multiply
F, H are both 4*4 homogeneous matrix
polynomials (linear, cubic)
matrix method
p0, p1: b0, b3
Given t can find u for the segment
Bézier curve -> 1D
Bézier Surface Patch -> 2D
Bézier Volume element -> 3D (FFM)
Quaternion Interpolation
Linear Interpolation:
Body Kinematics
- End joint
- Root joint
to find the position and orientation of the endpoint walk from the kinematic chain from root to end joint
Body Joint vector
3*N Rotational DOF (at each point), 3 translational DOF (at the root)
total DOF=3*N+3
v of end joint
Limb-based - Only uses 3 joint
Arm ->
Leg ->
Step 1:
- rotate joint 2 to get distance between joint 1 and joint 3 equal to ||r_d||
similar in point to how joint 1 is rotated in the limb-based solver
but successively on chain from most distul to most proximal joint
backward sweep
joint 5 to pd
1st joint 4, then joint 3, then joint 2, then joint 1
Body Animation
- Should know what Key framing and key poses are
- Should know how to speed up or slow down animation
- Should know how to blend two animation (lerp)
- Should know how to transition from one animation to another (lerp)
Midterm Sample.4.b, Diff between Catmul-Rom & Hermite/B Spline?
BSpline is C2 continuity, seen as Hermite Spline
Limb-Based Approach step 2, , left or right product?
with respect to Local rotation of global, if local->right, if global->left
Limb based step3步骤是干嘛的
HW3 3.a, 只有两个?