Feedback Control
Feedback Control
System Dynamics
Translational Mass-spring-damper System
Box example
time constant system
- Steady state () value of x
- Transient response =>
- how long does it take to get to steady state
spring-damper system
Final:: Given a system of the form
How would you make it into a mass-spring-damper system with the desired dynamics through choice of f or
virtual spring, virtual damper
Free Body Diagram
- friction,
- ext, $$
- gravity, normal force
- spring
- damp
Let , where is positive constant
choose , time constant
Use to design controller
What are components of gravity in body axes?
In World:
In body coords:
In Body Coor:
In body coor, I is constant according to the object
To simulate:
Equas of motion
Given , want
use numerical Integration
This does not allow us to determine where the object is in the world
For rocket
- Integrate to get
Rotational Mass-spring Damper System
Dist Pinned in world around y-axis
Equs of motion
I=moment of Inertia
what is
Rotational mass-spring damper dynamics
Inverse Dynamics
Newton-Euler Equations
(in world coordinates)
Translational Dynamics:
Rotational Dynamics:
Equations of Motion
Applied forces and Torques
Forward Dynamics
System Dynamics
System Input:
System State:
System Dynamics:
Control Systems
- Compute input (), so
- state (), moves to
- a desired value () over time
Feedforward Control Systems
Feedback Control Systems
Controller Objective: drive e->0 in the steady state
- Proportional Control
- PD
Center of mass
Apply a t
desired heading angle
like mass-spring damper system (virtual spring, virtual damper)
feedback controller
which is how long it takes to get to steady state
Rotation Controller
Given system of this form:
how would you make it respond like a system of the form
step1: clean house (leave alone)
Velocity Controller Design
Given Actual Dynamics:
Want desired 1st order dynamicsL desired velocity
Tracking Controller Design
With desired Dynamics
Control System Block Diagram
Proportional-Derivative (PD) Control
Feedback Control Laws
Computing the error.
Before the feedback controller can do anything, it must first find the difference between the current and desired system states (. This difference is called the error, and the goal of the controller is usually to minimize that error in the steady state (e.g. when the system is no longer moving).
Proportional Control terms
Derivative (PD) Control terms
Integral (I) Control terms
There are three basic types of controllers that can used to minimize the error, denoted:
P: Proportional control
PD: Proportional-Derivative control
PID: Proportional-Integral-Derivative control
Frame of Reference for equation of motion
World frame
- => trans
- => rot
Body frame
What is ?
for this system
what is ?
- splines
Hopefully, see how these connect
If better, use final, worse ave
System Dynamics Parameters
1st Order System Dynamics
- Actual:
- Desire:
2nd Order System Dynamics
- Actual:
- Desire:
Damping ratio
Natural frequency
no damping
under damped
critical damped
over damped (no oscillation)