Python provides several ways to implement multithreading, mainly through the threading
module. However, due to Python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), native threads do not achieve true parallelism for CPU-bound tasks. They are most useful for I/O-bound tasks where threads can wait for external data (like file or network I/O) without blocking others.
Here’s a quick overview and example of how to use multithreading in Python:
Basic Concepts
- Thread: An independent flow of execution within a program.
- Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): A lock in Python’s CPython implementation that allows only one thread to execute Python bytecode at a time, limiting true multithreading.
- CPU-bound vs. I/O-bound tasks
- CPU-bound tasks benefit from parallel processing (e.g., complex calculations) and are better suited for multiprocessing.
- I/O-bound tasks (e.g., reading files, API requests) can benefit from multithreading since threads can wait for I/O while others run.
Python 3.13 引入了新的实验性自由线程模式(Free-threaded),旨在通过移除全局解释器锁 (GIL) 来提升 Python 性能,尤其是在多线程应用程序中。
GIL 及其局限性:CPython 中的 GIL 通过只允许一个线程在任何给定时间持有 Python 解释器的控制权来限制真正的并行性。这导致了多线程 CPU 密集型应用程序的瓶颈。
自由线程 (no-GIL) 模式:Python 3.13 引入了一个没有 GIL 的实验性构建,允许多个线程真正并发地执行 Python 字节码。这有可能显著提高多核系统上 CPU 密集型任务的性能。
性能改进:早期基准测试表明性能有所提升,尤其是在 I/O 密集型操作和特定场景中。但是,整体性能影响仍在评估中,预计在未来版本中会有所改进。
兼容性问题:移除 GIL 会引入重大的兼容性挑战。许多 C 扩展和库依赖 GIL 来保证线程安全。使它们适应 no-GIL 的世界是一项艰巨的任务。
实验状态:Python 3.13 中的 no-GIL 构建明确处于实验阶段。它尚未准备好用于生产环境,并且可能会发生变化。目标是收集反馈并在后续版本中改进实现。
什么是CPython GIL?
GIL,Global Interpreter Lock,即全局解释器锁
使用生成器的协程,是 Python 2 开头的时代实现协程的老方法了,Python 3.7 提供了新的基于 asyncio 和 async / await 的方法。
import time
import asyncio
async def crawl_page(url):
print('crawling {}'.format(url))
sleep_time = int(url.split('_')[-1])
await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time)
print('OK {}'.format(url))
async def main(urls):
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(crawl_page(url)) for url in urls]
for task in tasks:
await task
# await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
begin_time = time.time()['url_1', 'url_2', 'url_3', 'url_4']))
end_time = time.time()
run_time = end_time - begin_time