Oct. 11
Is it a good idea for the university to limit students' working time?
一【牢记应试 3 原则】
2.【15 秒准备做什么】准备时间很短,如果现想现编,很可能 “口语车祸现场”;应试技巧:15 秒内确认,在提前积累的语料里,哪些更适合回答本题——只要不跑题,开说别纠结。
3.【45 秒答题的重点】先保证发音清晰,让机评识别发音,人工听懂说什么;超时没关系,但不要大段空白——回到口语应试本质:宁可论证有瑕疵,也不要让口语大段空白。
二【掌握答题 3 步走】
【1. 先表明观点】
I think the university should not limit students' working time.
【2. 输出语料 A 和 B,充满答题时间】
need money, will not be flexible, job attendance
First, students needing money to cover tuition fees can take on part-time jobs to get an income.
If the university limits their working hours, it will not be flexible for students seeking part-time employment.
The regulation will prevent students from meeting job attendance requirements.
应试技巧:句型设计可以加入一些补充说明,比如对 students 的修饰成分,便于考场随机应变,如果时间不够,就舍掉修饰,也不影响细节拿分。
maintain schedule, draft study plans, manage time
Moreover, students can make sure that their part-time jobs don't impact academic performance by maintaining a well-balanced schedule.
For example, they can draft study plans.
A to-do list can help students manage their time effectively, ensuring all following arrangements are on time and avoiding being late for classes and work.
应试技巧:句型设计可以加入一些递进结构,比如 and 连接的内容,便于考场随机应变,如果时间不够,就舍掉 and 后面的递进,也不影响细节拿分。
【3. 如果时间还很多,加句总结别空着】
So, universities shouldn't limit student work hours.
很多同学备考发现:写作的时候能纠正语法,但说口语却语法错误很多;这可以通过自己写“口语逐字稿”(约 90-105 words)批改纠正。
:::detail 新题强化
The university is going to turn the long summer vacation into several short breaks. Which one do you think is better? The long summer vacation or several short breaks.(真题:1020 NA)
eed money, will not be flexible, job attendance
aintain schedule, draft study plans, manage time
The university should keep the long summer vacation so students can work part-time.
First, students needing money to cover tuition fees can take on summer part-time jobs to get an income. If the university turns the long summer sessions into short ones, it will be not flexble for students seeking summer employment. The regulation will prevent students from meeting job attendance requirements.
Moreover, students can improve study during a long summer vacation. For example, they can draft summer study plans to review classes. A to-do list can help students manage their summertime effectively, ensuring all reviews have enough time to consolidate studies.
Describe one experience that you had when you studied in the university. Talk about your feelings in detail.(真题:0807 NA)
eed money, will not be flexible, job attendance
aintain schedule, draft study plans, manage time
When I studied at the university, I took part-time jobs in my spare time.
First, during my college years, I needed money to cover tuition fees, so I took part-time jobs to get an income. Fortunately, my university didn't restrict my working time, and time slots were flexible for me to work. Thus, I was capable of meeting job attendance requirements.
Moreover, I maintained a well-balanced schedule to make sure that part-time jobs didn't impact my academic performance. For example, I drafted study plans, which helped me manage time effectively, ensuring all the arrangements were on time and avoiding being late for classes and work.
Nowadays, it is very difficult for students to save money. What is your suggestion to overcome this difficulty?(真题:1218 CN)
eed money, will not be flexible, job attendance
aintain schedule, draft study plans, manage time
I recommend students to do part-time jobs to save more money.
First, taking on part-time jobs can get an income to cover tuition fees. For instance, my university doesn't restrict students' working hours, offering flexible time slots for students to seek part-time employment. The regulation offers opportunities for students to meet job attendance requirements to earn money.
Moreover, students should make sure that their part-time jobs don't impact academic performance by maintaining a well-balanced schedule. For example, they can draft plans. A to-do list can help students manage their time effectively, ensuring all the arrangements are on time and avoiding being late for classes and work.