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Task 1 独立题

David LiuAbout 3 min

Task 1 独立题

步骤:准备 > 答题


背诵:33 则语料

400 最大题库,80 话题题,80 个反复练,积累很多素材,独立题可以完全没问题

Personally speaking + 态度 I think + 态度
I agree/disagree + 态度


  • M 一定要点出来你的观点。
  • T 可以简短一些,如果答题的时候想不到,可以直接用万能理由,比如 good to me,good to health 等。
  • E 是最重要的!一定要用 1-2 句话去解释,M 和 T 之间的衔接逻辑,并且为后面的例子做铺垫。这句话可以让判卷人带入到你的逻辑中。



  • 选择题:A or B,
  • 判断题:Agree or Disagree

选 A 选 B 的题,一定要反对反观点


改编,语料 90%可以用,但也不是都能用,只是提供一种思路



  1. 选择题:需要否定反观点
  2. 回答要有例子和细节


  • 准备 15s
  • 回答 45s
    • 观点 15
    • 展开 30

准备 30+15s

大约 30 秒念题,根据题干长短略有不同。

答题 45s


  • 45 观点
  • 30 论点一
  • 05 论点二/总结
  1. Topic sentence + Reason [10, 15]s

    • TS


      • From my perspective/
      • For me/
      • Personally speaking/
      • Well, in my opinion,


      • I (would definitely) prefer [A],
      • I (would definitely) agree/disagree with the point that ...,
      • I think + 态度,
    • Reason [5, 10]s

      原因 = 好处 = 意义

      直接跟在 TS 后面

      because [Reason 1].

    • 排除句 [5, 10]s

      选择题,排除其他选项:选 [A],however,选 [B] 会怎么不好。

      • However, xxx is xxx, so we may xxx.
      • However, if we xxx, we may xxx. / 虚拟语气
  2. Examples and details 30s

    The first reason I wanna say is that…

    直接是 [Reason 1] 的解释,用逻辑展开


    • (说否定时:没钱、没时间是万能原因)
    • (说小孩时:不成熟、没有自控力、浪费时间)
  3. [Reason 2]

    如果有时间,则 reason2 和 conclusion,没时间就不说

    Beside/More importantly, ...

  4. Conclusion

    So, that's why I choose/agree ...



  1. 当月机经,如果考旧题 99.9%的可能在这里面

    只有 30 多道题

  2. 18-22 的真题,每天刷 10-20 个


  • 快速度,多遍数(考前刷个三四遍,抽空闲时间去刷)
  • 一个小时刷 10-20 道多



刷题:TPO40+ 的,刷两三次,和当月真题

70% 题是近五年原题

30% 题是新题


21-30 语料

2 3 4 各两个

I agree that current celebrities can serve as positive role models for young people.

Many celebrities use their influence to promote important social causes and inspire young individuals. They demonstrate qualities like dedication, perseverance, and talent, which can motivate young people to pursue their own dreams.

However, it is important for young individuals to critically evaluate celebrities' actions and choices, as not all celebrities are suitable role models. Parents, teachers, and personal experiences should also play a role in shaping values and behaviors.

Overall, while some celebrities can set a good example, young people should develop their own values based on a range of influences.

Personally speaking, I prefer XXX, just because XXX saves me a lot of time/is a waste of time.

You know, I'm a senior student who majors in Software Engineering. I have tons of work to do everyday like writing my experiment report, tracing and dealing with my data, and preparing for the courses for the next day. I spent most of my time in classrooms and library everyday, and also I have to do some internships in my spare time. So I don't have any time to waste.

With such a busy routine, I value every minute and cannot afford to waste any time.

I feel this way for two reasons