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David LiuAbout 6 min


The author in the reading holds that, while the professor in the lecture expresses an opposite opinion.

To begin with, the author claims that . However, the lecturer refutes that

Moreover, the author believes that. On the contrary, the lecturer rebuts

Finally, the author puts forward that. Instead, the lecturer retorts that

The author of the reading passage claims that [阅读中心论点]. Nevertheless, the professor declares that [听力中心论点].

First, the professor questions [阅读论点-1] in the reading. She argues that [听力论点-1]. As a matter of fact, [听力细节-1].

Second, the reading mentions that [阅读论点-2]. But the professor holds a contradictory view, [听力论点-2]. She points out that [听力细节-2]. Also, [听力细节-2].

Last, the professor refutes the reading's statement of [阅读论点-3]. She explains that [听力论点-3]. Instead [听力细节-3].

The reading passage argues that [阅读中心论点]. However, the professor [听力中心论点].

First, the professor thinks the reading's argument that [阅读论点-1] . He claims that [听力论点-1]. He further mentions that [听力细节-1].

Moreover, The professor questions the reading's statement that [阅读论点-2]. He says [听力论点-2]. He concludes that [听力细节-2].

Finally, the professor attacks the reading's assertion that [阅读论点-3]. He points out that [听力论点-3] . Then he states that [听力细节-3].

The author in the reading holds that there are three theories about the ceramic dicks' function, while the professor in the listening expresses an opposite opinion.

To begin with, the author claims that the ceramic disks can be used for cooking food, because the food can be placed on the undecorated side.


点击播放键听讲座:记录观点是支持还是反对;以及针对短文的 3 个分论点,尽全力记录听力 3 个分论点的细节。


时间 3 分钟,重点抓“主论点和分论点”。

A variety of carp are native to Asia, including the bighead and silver carp. More than forty years ago, several species of Asian carp were imported to the southern US to control algae in fish farms. However; in their new environment they are very aggressive and have been migrating northwards, causing economic and ecological damage to the Mississippi River watershed. Now, five states that adjoin the Great Lakes have filed suit against several government agencies demanding that the Chicago area shipping locks be temporarily shut to prevent the carp from entering the Great Lakes water system. They base their lawsuit on several arguments.

The first point the states make is that the problem is urgent. Asian carp may soon infiltrate(渗透) the Great Lakes system through the shipping locks and sewage facilities(污水设施) near Chicago. To support the claim of urgency, the states cite a research study by a professor who found Asian carp DNA in the water of the canals leading to Lake Michigan. This DNA is proof that live Asian carp are already very dose to the Great Lakes system.

The states also claim that once Asian carp penetrate the locks, they will multiply and Overpower the Great Lakes ecosystems. If Asian carp are present in a water system, they quickly dominate that system. They eat voraciously and reproduce rapidly, disrupting the food chain of native fish spades. These giant fish even disturb human activity; boats pass, they jump in the air, often striking passengers.

Third, the states maintain that if Asian carp enter Lake Michigan, they could have a significant negative impact on the $7 billion Great Lakes fishery industry. Although shutting the locks will cause some loss of revenue to shipping companies and tourist boats, this hardship to the economy would, it is argued, be minor compared to the financial damage caused by Asian carp.




Five of the Great Lakes states located downstream from Chicago are concerned about the threat of Asian carp. Their joint legal suit seeks an order to close the navigational locks that provide a pathway to the Great Lakes, Yet the agencies responsible for the locks and other waterway functions reject the assumptions and arguments made by the states.

First of all, the new DNA methodology cited by the states does not provide adequate about the number of living Asian carp currently swimming in the lake waters. Efforts to find living carp have come up empty-handed(空手而归). Thus, at this time, the government waterway agencies do not believe the DNA methodology is a reliable predictor of live carp in the waters.

The agencies have also rebutted the states’ second claim, the imminent hazard(迫在眉睫的危险 ) to the ecosystem. Their position is supported by the fact that invasive species(入侵物种) need to enter the lake waters in sufficient numbers in order to create a self-sustaining population. An expert hired by the agencies explained that, in fact, ninety percent of invasions by exotic species fail. This expert identified several factors that will stop any invasion, such as the specific habitats carp need to lay eggs in.

Third, the economic threat to the fishery industry. Over a billion dollars is earned each year through activities involving the Chicago locks, including commercial shipping, recreational boating, and security operations for the city of Chicago. If the locks were closed, most of these activities could not take place. The states' claim about the potential financial loss to the fishery industry is, at this point, mere speculation(纯粹的猜测). However, the financial loss from closing the locks is real, they argue, and would begin the minute they were shut down(从关闭的那一分钟那一刻开始) .

20 分钟答题,参考 Part 4 范文自己批改。

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2【首段】说明听力和阅读的关系:支持或反对;【随后 3 个主体段】把听力的 3 个分论点和阅读的 3 个分论点,依次对比;【注意】用听力的分论点对应阅读的分论点,阅读只需写出分论点,不用牵扯太多细节,但听力除了写出分论点,要尽全力补充论据细节。
3综合写作建议 225 词-260 词,至少留出 3 分钟检查拼写和语法。




The author of the reading passage claims that people in the Great Lakes states are worried that Asian carp might invade the Great Lakes and cause damage to their economies. Therefore, a lawsuit plans to close the waterway locks. Nevertheless, the professor suggests that government agencies oppose this argument.

First, the professor questions the results of the DNA study cited by the States in the reading. She argues the methodology of the DNA study was flawed, and the study does not prove there are live carp in the Great Lakes. As a matter of fact, no one finds live Asian carp in the Great Lakes.

Second, the reading mentions that the growth rate of carp is very fast, inferring they would quickly dominate the Great Lakes. But the professor holds a contradictory view, believing it is difficult for a new species to overtake an ecosystem. She points out that there are many barriers facing an invasive species. Also, it needs to have a sufficient number to sustain its population. In ninety percent of the cases, new species fail in the new environment.

Last, the professor refutes the reading's statement of potential financial loss. She explains that a serious invasion may never take place. Instead, the economy encompassing commercial shipping and recreational boating, over one billion dollars, would be destroyed immediately if the locks were to be closed by the States.

(230 Words)

【应试技巧】考试如果听力的细节记不全,答题字数达不到要求,可以最后加个第 5 段:再总结一遍阅读和听力的关系,字数至少达到 225 词。结尾总结参考:

In summary, the professor counters the reading by questioning the credibility of the DNA study, highlighting the challenges for an invasive species to dominate, and pointing out the extensive economic harm that would result from closing the waterway locks.



The author of the reading passage claims that [阅读中心论点]. Nevertheless, the professor declares that [听力中心论点].

First, the professor questions [阅读论点-1] in the reading. She argues that [听力论点-1]. As a matter of fact, [听力细节-1].

Second, the reading mentions that [阅读论点-2]. But the professor holds a contradictory view, [听力论点-2]. She points out that [听力细节-2]. Also, [听力细节-2].

Last, the professor refutes the reading's statement of [阅读论点-3]. She explains that [听力论点-3]. Instead [听力细节-3].