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David LiuAbout 5 min


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  • 【交流】剧场提供交流场所,活跃社区互动,讨论新剧目。
  • 【乐趣】剧场演出,居民观看放松解压,增加生活乐趣。
  • 【经济】剧场演出增加收入,吸引人群带动周边消费。


  1. 【让步认可】Andrew's viewpoint that [填入 Andrew 的观点] holds merit.
  2. 【让步理由】Admittedly, [填入 Andrew 的理由], fulfilling the local residents' desire for a richer spiritual life.
  3. 【转折观点】However, taking into account the correlation between public facilities and urban development, [填入自己的观点].
  4. 【给出理由】In other words, concerning [填入讨论的背景或主题], an art gallery that brings economic benefits is more likely to secure sustained support.
  5. 【解释陈述】示范:Specifically, the communities around an art gallery can witness an increase in consumption and tax revenue, ensuring its sustainable development.
  6. 【例证细节】自己准备 1-2 个可以替换的例证,无论是“记叙文法”还是“引用调查法”,只要能保证考试现场快速输出就可以。
  7. 【总结观点】Therefore, although [填入 andrew 的观点] might resonate with a portion of the population, [填入自己的观点] would be more beneficial to the long-term development.



  1. 审题:确认属于“公共建筑类”

  2. 制作自己的模板:确认惯用大纲

  3. 计时答题:微调模板到自己顺手

1Considering the well-being of a community and its residents, how might establishing a theater within the community bring profound benefit? 【交流】剧场提供交流场所,活跃社区互动,讨论新剧目。【乐趣】剧场演出,居民观看放松解压,增加生活乐趣。【经济】剧场演出增加收入,吸引人群带动周边消费。
2Regarding urban development, what could be the most significant benefit of building a cinema in a newly developed district? 【交流】电影院提供交流场所,活跃社区互动,讨论新影视。【乐趣】电影放映,居民观看放松解压,增加生活乐趣。【经济】电影上映增加收入,吸引人群带动周边消费。
3For urban inhabitants, what is the most remarkable benefit that an exhibition center can offer to a city and its people? 【交流】展览中心提供交流场所,活跃社区互动,讨论新的展览出题。【乐趣】展览推出新主题,居民观展放松解压,增加生活乐趣。【经济】展览开馆增加收入,吸引人群带动周边消费。
4Reflecting on the potential development, what would you identify as the most substantial benefit of having a sports arena in the region? 【交流】体育馆提供交流场所,活跃社区互动,讨论新的健身话题。【乐趣】体育馆提供健身场地,居民运动解压,增加生活乐趣。【经济】举办赛事增加收入,吸引人群带动周边消费。
5For a city and its residents, what do you think is the most significant advantage of having a museum located in that city? 【交流】博物馆提供交流场所,活跃社区互动,讨论新的展品。【乐趣】博物馆引进新展品,居民参观放松解压,增加生活乐趣。【经济】新品展出增加收入,吸引人群带动周边消费。


  1. 居民城市参与度

Resident urban engagement

  1. 居民城市认同感

Resident urban identity

  1. 城市文化交流

Urban cultural exchange

  1. 城市文化融合

Urban cultural integration

  1. 公共空间改善

Public space enhancements

  1. 公共场所互动活动

Public space interactive events

  1. 社区发展计划

Community development initiatives

  1. 居民健康改善

Resident health promotion

  1. 提高居民生活质量

Improve residents' quality of life

  1. 提供休闲娱乐

Offer leisure and recreation



  1. 【让步认可】Andrew's viewpoint that [填入 Andrew 的观点] holds value.

  2. 【让步理由】Indeed, [填入 Andrew 的理由], which is a common misconception influenced by today's rapidly advancing technology.

  3. 【转折观点】However, taking into account the vast amount of time people spend on digital devices, [填入自己的观点].

  4. 【给出理由】In other words, in terms of [填入讨论的背景或主题], it might be wiser to avoid purchasing decisions that could harm consumers' health.

  5. 【解释陈述】示范:Specifically, many cellphone consumers mistakenly assume that the smartphone is a replacement for a computer, resulting in overuse that leads to deteriorating eyesight.

  6. 【例证细节】自己准备 1-2 个可以替换的例证,无论是“记叙文法”还是“引用调查法”,只要能保证考试现场快速输出就可以。

  7. 【总结观点】Therefore, [填入自己的观点].


  1. Do you think that while clean energy protects the environment, its inconvenience in use actually makes life more difficult for people?




  1. Do you think investing in exploring the universe and developing space travel is a waste of money?




  1. Some people believe that the invention of automobiles has actually brought about more issues than conveniences, such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents, and environmental pollution.




  1. In the digital age, should universities prioritize investments in digital technology over agricultural research?




  1. What do you believe is the biggest mistake that people make when buying tech products?





  1. 环境影响

Environmental impact

  1. 消费者偏好

Consumer preferences

  1. 数字创新

Digital innovations

  1. 健康益处

Health benefits

  1. 数字技术整合

Digital technology integration

  1. 科技产品耐久性

Tech product durability

  1. 健康与福祉的提升

Health and wellness promotion

  1. 交通流量优化

Traffic flow optimization

  1. 科技产品可靠性

Tech product reliability

  1. 能效家电

Energy-efficient appliances