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David LiuLess than 1 minute

The letter proposes that ... because ... and ...

community service

don't agree


riduculous waste time,

R主旨:Tim Proposes to shorten history seminars from three hours to two hours.L态度:Woman disagrees
R1:Most students can't concentrate for that long.L1:Tim can't concentrate. Others are prepared and rested.
R2:The last hour is a waste of time.L2:Last hour is the most interesting.

According to the letter, Tim proposes to shorten history seminars from three to two hours because most students can’t concentrate for that long, and the last hour is a waste of time.


The woman in the conversation disagrees with Tim's proposal.


First, she argues that it's inaccurate to say most students can't concentrate for three hours. For example, in a course last year, Tim stayed up late and had parties every night, causing him to lose concentration and sleep during seminars, but most students came to class prepared and well-rested.

【学生理由1 :尽量详尽】

Second, the last hour of the seminars is always exciting and not a waste of time. During that time, students engage in discussions and exchange important ideas. If there are only two hours, students will miss the most valuable part of the seminar.

【学生理由2 :尽量详尽】

