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David LiuAbout 5 min



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children at an early age should learn independent living skills.

I agree that children should learn independent living skills, such as cooking.


studying overseas, don't worry about

First, cooking is a necessary skill, especially for international students.

When studying overseas, they are often required to cook for themselves.

If students can master this skill in advance, they don't have to worry about the issue of meal preparation, even if they are studying abroad alone.


buying prepared food, avoid high-calorie foods

Moreover, knowing how to cook can prevent students from constantly buying prepared food from restaurants.

When we cook at home, we tend to buy fresh ingredients, avoid high-calorie foods, and maintain our health.

Conversely, relying on prepared food often leads to consuming unhealthy food components.

Therefore, learning independent skills benefits children a lot.

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In order to teach young people about good nutrition and health, your school is planning to require students to take cooking classes in addition to other subjects. Do you think this requirement is a good idea? Why or why not?(真题:37 CN)

I think this requirement is a good idea.

First, knowing how to cook can prevent students from constantly buying prepared food from restaurants. When we cook at home, we tend to buy fresh ingredients, avoid high-calorie foods, and maintain our health. Conversely, relying on prepared food often leads to consuming unhealthy food components.

Moreover, cooking is a necessary skill, especially for international students. When studying overseas, they are often required to cook for themselves. If students can master this skill in advance, they don't have to worry about the issue of meal preparation, even if they are studying abroad alone.


Should parents protect their children from difficulties?(真题:0512 CN)

Parents should teach children how to overcome challenges instead of always protecting them from difficulties. Teaching children to cook is a good way to cultivate their independence.

First, cooking is a necessary skill, especially for international students. When studying overseas, they are required to cook for themselves. If students can master this skill, they don't have to worry about the issue of meal preparation, even if they are studying abroad alone.

Moreover, knowing how to cook can prevent students from constantly buying prepared food from restaurants. When we cook at home, we tend to buy fresh ingredients, avoid high-calorie foods, and maintain our health.


Do you think that students should learn how to cook?(真题:0908 CN)

I agree that students should learn how to cook.

First, cooking is a necessary skill, especially for international students. When studying overseas, they are often required to cook for themselves. If students can master this skill in advance, they don't have to worry about the issue of meal preparation, even if they are studying abroad alone.

Moreover, knowing how to cook can prevent students from constantly buying prepared food from restaurants. When we cook at home, we tend to buy fresh ingredients, avoid high-calorie foods, and maintain our health.

Conversely, relying on prepared food often leads to consuming unhealthy food components.



State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.

① I disagree that learning through online courses is more effective than in the classroom.


class discussions, effective learning method, various angles

② First, learning in the classroom allows us to engage in discussions with teammates and professors face-to-face, which is an effective learning method.

③ For instance, during my accounting class, we organized group discussions on corporate finance.

④ In this way, exchanging ideas has enabled me to gain insights and analyze company operations from various angles.


interact regularly with classmates, make intimate friends

⑤ Second, being in the classroom allows me to interact regularly with classmates, enhancing friendships quickly.

However, online learning restricts us to just listening to lectures, which makes it challenging to connect with peers and make good friends.

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When you have questions, do you prefer to ask the advisor for help or search it through the Internet or library? Why?(真题:0613 CN)

When I have questions, I prefer to ask my advisor and have discussions.

First, discussing my academic questions or career plans with my advisors has been an effective learning method. For example, last semester, I had a question regarding a corporate finance course, and I exchanged ideas with my advisor. This enabled me to gain insights and analyze company operations from various angles.

Besides, seeking advice from my advisor allows me to study with him and make good friends in the long term. However, if I search for answers online, I may lose opportunities to connect with him and fail to keep friendships.


Should students be required to participate in regular discussions in class? Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.(真题:0320 CN)

I believe students should be required to participate in regular discussions in class.

First, classroom discussion allows students to interact with their teammates and professors, which is an effective learning method. For instance, during my accounting class, we often organized group discussions on corporate finance. This instant exchange of ideas enabled me to gain insights and analyze company operations from various angles.

Second, being in discussions in class allows students to interact regularly with different classmates, enhancing friendships quickly. However, if we just self-study without participating in classroom discussions, it is challenging to connect with peers and make good friends.


Describe a change in your country. Explain how this change influenced people in your country. Please include specific reasons and details in your response.(真题:1126 CN)

A change that has influenced people, especially the young, in my country is that schools encourage class discussions.

First, classroom discussion allows students to interact with their teammates and professors, which is an effective learning method. For instance, during my accounting class, we often organized group discussions on corporate finance. This instant exchange of ideas enabled me to gain insights and analyze company operations from various angles.

Second, being in discussions in class allows students to interact regularly with different classmates, enhancing friendships quickly. However, in the past schools didn't encourage participating in classroom discussions, it was challenging for young people to improve their social skills.


In your opinion, what are the important characteristics of a good school? Please use reasons and specific examples to support your answers.(真题:1202 CN)

The most important characteristic of a good school is to allow students to have discussions in class.

First, classroom discussion allows students to interact with their teammates and professors, which is an effective learning method. For instance, during my accounting class, we often organized group discussions on corporate finance. This instant exchange of ideas enabled me to gain insights and analyze company operations from various angles.

Second, being in discussions in class allows students to interact regularly with different classmates, enhancing friendships quickly. However, if schools don't encourage participating in classroom discussions, it is challenging for young people to improve their social skills.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be a good teacher, one must have experience. Give specific details and explanations to support your response.(真题:1102 CN)

I agree with the statement that in order to be a good teacher, one must have experience.

First, experienced teachers can be more successful in holding class discussions, which is an effective learning method for students. For instance, during my accounting class, we often organized group discussions on corporate finance. This instant exchange of ideas enabled me to gain insights and analyze company operations from various angles.

However, inexperienced teachers tend to just teach based on handouts and slides instead of organizing group discussions in class. In this case, students can’t make full use of educational resource to improve their communication skills.
